Space is a dangerous place, not only
because of meteors (流星) but also because of rays from the sun and other stars.
The atmosphere again acts as our protective blanket on earth. Light gets
through, and this is essential for plants to make the food which we eat. Heat,
too, makes our environment endurable. Various kinds of rays come through the air
from outer space, but enormous quantities of radiation (辐射) from the sun are
screened off. As soon as men leave the atmosphere they are exposed to this
radiation but their spacesuits or the walls of their spacecraft, if they are
inside, do prevent a lot of radiation damage. Radiation is the greatest known danger to explorers in space. The unit of radiation is called "rem". Scientists have reason to think that a man can put up with far more radiation than 0.1 rem without being damaged A. exposure to even tiny amounts of radiation is fatal B. radiation is avoidable in space exploration C. astronauts in spacesuit needn’t worry about radiation damage D. the effect of exposure to radiation is slow in coming [判断题]3.1“成立由公司领导负责,建立相应的反窃电管理部门,各单位设置反窃电专责的三级管理机制,开展定期检查和不定期检查的方法对供电辖区内的用电客户进行用电检查。”是查处窃电的组织措施之一。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]预计雷击次数大于或等于0.01次/a,且小于或等于0.05次/a的部、省级办公建筑物和其他重要或人员密集的公共建筑物,以及火灾危险场所。
[单选题]下列不属于建设单位在启动验收阶段的职责有( )
A. 负责成立35kV~110kV基建工程启委会。 B. 负责本单位基建工程的启动投产。 C.负责成立或者授权县级供电企业或者城区分局成立10kV工程项目启委会。 D. 负责组织所辖基建工程的启动试运行准备 [多选题]天车的主要结构由( )三大部分组成。
A.机械 B.电器 C.金属结构 D.传动 [单选题]车站AFC设备故障,发现问题及时报车控室,并在故障设备前放置“( )”提示牌。
A.暂停服务 B.小心地滑 C.正在维修 D.请勿靠近 [单选题]集装箱运输车辆办理的ETC卡必须为______。
A.记账卡 B.储值卡 C.信用卡 D.银行卡 [判断题]客户侧设备检修,需电网侧设备配合停电时,应得到用户停送电联系人的电话申请,经批准后方可停电。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]新安装的变压器在投入运行时应做()次冲击试验,大修后更换绕组的变压器应做3次冲击试验。
[多项选择]个人独资企业有以下哪些行为时,工商行政管理机关可以吊销其营业执照( )
A. 投资人王晓提交虚假文件或采取其他欺骗手段,取得企业登记,情节严重的 B. 投资人王晓将营业执照出租给张三以便其进行商业活动,收取500元/月的管理费,造成恶劣影响 C. 个人独资企业成立后无正当理由超过6个月未开业的 D. 个人独资企业自行停业6个月以上的 [单项选择]The process by means of which human beings can arbitrarily make certain things stand for other things may be called the symbolic process. (31) we turn, we see the symbolic process (32) work. For example, stripes on the sleeve can be made to stand for military rank; crossed sticks can stand for a (33) of religious beliefs. There are (34) things that have not a symbolic value.
Almost all fashionable clothes are (35) symbolic. And we select our furniture to (36) as visible symbols of our taste, wealth, and social position. We often choose our houses on the (37) of a feeling that it "looks well" to have a "good address". We trade in perfectly good cars for (38) models not always to get better transportation, (39) to give evidence to the community that we can (40) it. I once had an eight-year-old car in good running condition. A repairman, who knew the condition of the car, kept (41) A. while B. as C. since that D. so that [判断题](44977)( )涵洞是埋置于地层内的一种地下建筑物。( )(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]无线调车灯显信号显示绿灯闪数次后熄灭,表示()信号。J439
A.推进 B.起动 C.连结 [多选题]依据《绿色施工管理规程》(DB11/513)在满足设计和施工工艺的前提下,施工中应优先选用( ),限制和淘汰非节能环保材料。
A.绿色、环保材料 B.再生材料粉 C.低价材料 D.优质材料 [单选题] When inflation rose in the late 1970s,
A. consumers moved money out of money market mutual funds because their returns did not keep pace with inflation. B. banks solidified their advantage over money markets by offering higher deposit rates. C. brokerage houses introduced highly popular money market mutual funds, which drew significant amounts of money out of bank deposits. D. consumers were unable to take advantage of higher rates in money markets because of the requirement of large transaction sizes. [填空题]氯丙嗪抗精神病作用的主要机制是()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]胃癌血运转移的常见部位是
A.骨 B.脑 C.肾 D.腹腔 E.肺、肝 [单项选择]运用模拟训练法时,尽量要求模拟训练的场馆大小相似于比赛场馆,这是追求 ( )
A. 物理相似 B. 模糊相似 C. 数学相似 D. 几何相似 [单选题]直接定律有什么保护?
A.只有失速保护. B.只有高速保护. C.只有迎角保护. D.无保护. [多选题]安全泄压装置在膜片爆破后只需拆下()即可进行更换
A.IG541气灭系统安全泄压阀工作压力 B.压紧螺塞 C.泄压膜片座 D.膜片 E.压环 F.略 G.略 H.略 [单选题]
常用的各种装置(系统)的时间同步准确度要求规定,变电站、换流站监控系统的时间同步准确度为(____)。 A. 1ms B. 10ms C. 2ms D. 20ms [单选题]钢轨折断紧急处理后,应在断缝两侧轨头非工作边做出标记,标记间距一般为( ),并准确丈量两标记间距离和轨头非工作边一侧断缝值,作好记录。
A.10m B.18m C.26m D.32m [单选题]梭头尖端超出台尾的长度不小于()m,其顶部应切成不陡于1:1的斜面并联结密贴,梭头尖端悬出轨枕的长度不得大于5mm。
A.1.9 B.2.0 C.5.0 D.6.0 [判断题]违反治安管理行为的追究时效从违反治安管理行为发生之日起计算,违反治安管理行为有连续或者继续状态的,从行为终了之日起计算。 ( )
A. ≥4mm B. ≥6mm C. ≥5mm D. ≥3mm E. ≥7mm [单项选择]关于急性上消化道大出血的补充血容量原则,哪项是正确的()。
A. 补充血容量原则:先盐后糖,先胶体后晶体,先快后慢 B. 补充血容量原则:先糖后盐,先胶体后晶体,先快后慢 C. 补充血容量原则:先盐后糖,先晶体后胶体,先快后慢 D. 补充血容量原则:先盐后糖,先胶体后晶体,先慢后快 E. 以上都不是 [判断题] ( )修改图表中的数据标志是通过图表区格式选项中的数据标志选项实现的。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]DCS系统是集散控制系统的简称 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]跨局旅客列车车辆乘务员在局间运转车长换乘站负责与运转车长(原则上在列车尾部)交接( )
A.行车备品 B.红绿色手信号 C.旅客列车编组顺序表 D.无线调度通信设备 [判断题]采取自主支付的,客户经理受理保管借款人送交的贷款资金支付汇总报告。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交