It was a little weird at first, Erin
Tobin said, seeing Harry Potter right there on the stage without his pants, or
indeed any of his clothes. Not actually Harry Potter, of course, since he is fictional, but the next best thing: Daniel Radcliffe. who plays him in the movies. Now 17. Mr. Radcliffe has cast off his wand. his broomstick and everything else to appear in the West End revival of Peter Shaffer’s "Equus." He stars as Alan Strang, a disturbed young man who, in a distinctly un-Harry-Potterish moment of frenzied psychosexual madness, blinds six horses with a hoof pick. To make it clear what audiences are in for, at least in part, photographs of Mr. Radcliffe’s buff torso, stripped almost to the groin, have been used to advertise the production. It is as jarring as if, say, Anne Hathaway suddenly announc A. they are both weird B. their parents are weird C. they have unresolved issues D. they have weird families [单选题]在路基上设置的电杆、接触网支柱等设备,其内侧距线路中心不应少于( )。
A.2.5m B.2.8m C.3.1m D.3.6m [判断题]2#碳纤维工厂一车间,低碳炉总管氮气压力低于0.01MPa,会触发联锁动作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 导致CO2气体保护焊焊接喷嘴堵塞的原因是( )。
A. 电弧燃烧不稳定 B. 短路 C. 焊丝过热 D. 金属飞溅 [判断题]中山农商银行增值税的纳税期限为1个月。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下哪些属于动车施工( )?
A.轻型车辆动车作业 B.工程车备送、吊装钢轨、隧道清洗及清运垃圾作业 C.轨道、信号、供电等运营设备(系统)大中修项目、整体性改造 D.车辆专业动车调试 [单项选择]关于结合胆红素错误的是()。
A. 肝细胞内非结合胆红素的载体只有一种Y蛋白 B. 非结合胆红素于肝细胞光面内织网中与葡萄糖醛酸结合 C. 结合胆红素是葡萄糖醛酸酯 D. 结合胆红素是水溶性的 E. 结合胆红素可以出现在尿内 [判断题]隔爆设备引入电缆与密封圈之间可以包扎其他物品。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]李某驾驶一辆大客车,乘载21人(核载35人),行驶途中察觉制动装置有异常但未处理,行至双岛海湾大桥时时速为50公里(该路段限速40公里),因制动失灵坠入海中,造成13人死亡、8人受伤。李某的主要违法行为是什么
A. 超速行驶 B. 疲劳驾驶 C. 客车超员 D. 驾驶故障机动车 我来回答: 提交