Passage 2
Highly intelligent and strong, elephants are the largest land animals and are among the longest-lived, with life spans of 60 years or more. Healthy, full-grown elephants have no natural enemies other than humans. Elephants once lived on every continent except Australia and Antarctica, but elephants today are restricted to Africa and parts of Southeast Asia. They occupy a wide range of environments in Africa and Southeast Asia: grasslands, marshes, forests, deserts, and mountains. They need great quantities of food to support their massive size. They also need a lot of drinking water and so are restricted to areas with adequate water. Throughout history, people have prized elephants for their great size and strength. On the battlefield, elephants have defeated the enemies. Elephants also have been t A. Elephants today are restricted to Africa and parts of Southeast Asia. B. They occupy a wide range of environments: marshes, forests, grasslands, mountains, and deserts. C. They also need a lot of drinking water and so are restricted to areas with inadequate water. D. They need great quantities of food to support their massive size. [单项选择]男性,62岁,半年来吞咽困难,钡餐造影示食管中段粘膜破坏,诊断是
A. 食管中段癌 B. 食管中段憩室 C. 贲门失弛缓症 D. 食管炎 E. 食管平滑肌瘤 [单选题]下列各项,有关多动症的预防与调护,错误的是
A.孕妇应营养均衡,禁烟酒,慎用药物,避免早产、难产及新生儿窒息 B.关心体谅患儿,对其行为及学习进行耐心的帮助与训练 C.训练患儿有规律地生活,起床、吃饭、学习等都要形成规律。不要过于迁就 D.避免食用有兴奋性和刺激性的饮料和食物,对于高蛋白高热量食物减少摄入 E.加强管理,及时疏导,防止攻击性、破坏性及危险性行为发生 [单选题]原料油带水会造成( )。
A.反应压力上升,提升管出口温度上升 B.反应压力上升,提升管出口温度下降 C.反应压力下降,提升管出口温度上升 D.反应压力下降,提升管出口温度下降 [单项选择]狼疮肾炎患者合并消化系统病变时一般不会出现以下哪种病变()。
A. 肝炎 B. 胰腺炎 C. 肠梗阻 D. 炎症性肠病 E. 肠穿孔 [单项选择]平整机组中步进梁有()个固定鞍座。
A. 4 B. 6 C. 8 D. 10 [判断题]CRH2动车组辅助供电系统,稳压单相AC220V系统电源提供车内用电插座等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在国家安全生产管理体制中,工会行使( )的职能。
A.国家监察 B.行政管理 C.群众监督 [单选题]110 接到医院方面报案后,接警民警认为事态不够严重,直至主刀医生和医院院长被打成重伤,再次打电话向警方求助,警方才到达现场,该警员的行为涉嫌:(单选)
A.玩忽职守罪 B.徇私枉法罪 C.滥用职权罪 D.重大责任事故罪 [多项选择]公务电话MP模块处理机的作用包括()等。
A. 分配内存地址 B. 提供2个10M以太网接口 C. 主备状态控制 D. 提供总线接口电路 我来回答: 提交