I am a very lucky girl and my family
is the nicest in the world. Mummy and Daddy are important of course and when
we’re out we have to behave properly but when we’re at home we play and laugh
and have lots of fun. "You spoil them!" Mummy says, and she frowns and folds her
arms in front of her but then she laughs and kisses him so I know she’s not
really serious. We have all sorts of games like the one where the hail is the
world and the tables and chairs are different countries. Then Daddy tells us all
about his travels, but he says the best thing was when he met Mummy and fell in
love with her. "Now that’s a happy ending," he says He’s a wonderful Daddy and is always nice and funny. When Mummy sighs and says she’s getting lots of white hairs he laughs and says, "I’ll be getting them soon and then we’ll be two little old pe A. It’s as frightening as the old tales. B. It brings Mummy happy memories. C. It is made up by Mummy and Daddy. D. The monster in it is the author’s favorite. [判断题]( )水冷器的作用是用水做介质来冷却工艺流体。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]张某捏造了与某公司虚假的借贷关系并提起民事诉讼,非法占有该公司财物500万元。张某的行为构成()。
A.伪证罪 B.伪造证据罪 C.虚假诉讼罪 D.诈骗罪 [判断题]装备应急储备应当遵循分级互补、规模适度、品种匹配、模块存储的原则。中
( ) A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]CRH381B(L)蓄电池组件检查,需要的工具为:三角钥匙、吸尘器、中性凡士林、毛刷、干燥抹布、棘轮套筒等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]每年6月5日为( )。
A.环境日; B.地球日; C.人口日; D.环境宣传日。 [多选题]送电线路工程项目的主体工程,是指送电线路工程的()、()和()。
A.青苗补偿 B.杆塔组立 C.架线 D.附件安装 [判断题]根据统计表的分组情况,可将其分为调查表、汇总表和分析表等类型。( )
A.不得 B.必须 C.可以 D.视情 我来回答: 提交