{{B}}Music to My
Ears{{/B}} As a boy growing up in Shenyang, China, I practiced the piano six hours a day. I loved the instrument. My mother, Xiulan Zhou, taught me to read notes, and my father, Guoren Lang, concertmaster of a local folk orchestra, showed me how to control the keys. At first I played on Chinese keyboards-cheap, but the best we could afford. Later my parents bought me a Swedish piano, but I broke half the strings on it Playing Tchaikovsky (柴科夫斯基). That’s when my parents and my teacher decided I was too much for such an instrument—and for our hometown. To be a serious musician, I would have to move to Beijing, one of our cultural capitals. I was just eight years old then. My father, who played the erhu, a two-stringed instrument, knew that life wouldn’t be easy. Milli [判断题]负载短路时输出断断路器应能及时切断输出电源,并有声光报警。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于拔除下颌智齿的步骤或方法,正确的说法是
A.远中切口应偏舌侧 B.颊侧切口与远中切口的末端成90°向下 C.只翻起黏膜瓣,将骨膜留在骨表面 D.成功劈开牙冠的要求,牙冠应充分显露,且牙不松动 E.涡轮钻拔牙术后反应较大 [单选题]汽车行驶时的滚动阻力,主要取决于( )。
A.地面和轮胎的刚性摩擦 B.地面状态和轮胎的变形 C.车身的流线性好坏 D.汽车的行驶速度 [填空题]WHO提出了“五好、三良”的健康新标准,“五好”指( )、排泄好,大小便通畅、( )、( )、腿脚好,行走自如。
[填空题]中华民族在漫长的封 (170) 社会中创造了 (171) 烂的古代文化。造纸、印刷、指南针和火药的发明,是辉煌的 (172) 术成果,也是中国对世界文明的伟大贡 (173) 。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]肌肉保持水分的原因是()
[单选题]进行胸外心脏按压时,掌根应放在( )
A.心尖部 B. 心前区 C. 胸骨中上l/3交界处 D.胸骨中下1/3交界处 E. 胸骨柄处 [单选题]CRH5G型动车组一级检修作业,制动盘表面刮痕限度为( )mm。
A.≤2.1 B.≤1.2 C.≤1.5 D.≤2.2 [判断题]党章规定,党的高级领导干部根据实际情况,可以不编入党的一个支部、小组或者其他特定组织,参加党组织活动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题][难度:0.5][分数:1]刀具磨损过程分为三个阶段,刀具工作的有效阶段是初期磨损阶段。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]仲裁是将争议提交给争议之外中立第三方,由其对当事人的纠纷居中调解,并作出裁断的行为。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]与传统的贷款融资方式不同,项目融资主要是以( )来安排融资。
A.项目资产和预期收益 B.项目投资者的资信水平 C.项目第三方担保 D.项目管理的能力和水平 [单选题]复方制剂中的多数药材粉碎时采用。粉碎与混合操作一并进行,效率高
A.混合粉碎 B.加液研磨法 C.水飞法 D.超微粉碎法 E.低温粉碎 [单项选择]发生自然灾害时,我们应该加强自我保护,下面哪种做法是错误的?()
A. 地震时躲到卫生间 B. 风暴来时,赶紧离开有玻璃的门窗 C. 听说洪水来了,去看看 D. 雪崩时,赶紧向旁边跑 [判断题]柜式配电设备的母线侧封板应使用专用螺丝和工具,专用工具应妥善保存,柜内有电时禁止开启。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]出版画册《追寻藏羚羊》,并最终让藏羚羊保护问题得到了社会关注的我国摄影家是()
A. 罗红 B. 陈复礼 C. 奚志农 [单选题]新生儿时期肺炎最严重的类型是
A.金黄色葡萄球菌肺炎 B.大肠埃希菌肺炎 C.羊水吸入性肺炎 D.胎粪吸入性肺炎 E.乳汁吸入性肺炎 [判断题] 人民币是指中国人民银行依法发行的货币,只包括纸币。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]列车110V永久供电母线由列车蓄电池提供(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]影响子宫肌瘤患者月经量增多的最主要的因素为()
A. 肌瘤数目 B. 肌瘤的部位和大小 C. 年龄 D. 肌瘤变性 E. 患病时间长短 [单项选择]
{{B}}Protect Your
It’s never too early to protect your family’s financial well-being. Yet because most of us are so busy juggling work and family commitments, we tend to neglect the things that don’t require immediate attention. Some day, we think, we’ll take care of the three essentials-retirement savings, insurance coverage and estate planning. Unfortunately, emergencies can strike and then it’s too late. "Failure to plan is a huge mistake," Barbara Raasch, managing director at Wealth and Tax Advisory Services, Inc. , told us. How can you avoid the "should have, could have, would have" scenario By putting these three items at the top of your "to do" list-protect your future, protect your family and protect your legacy (遗产). {{B}}Protect Your Future{{/B}} The national savings rate averaged around 0.4% for the first half of this year, according to the U. S. Department of Commerc A. Those who can’t afford the medical debts. B. Those who run private businesses. C. Those who are above 65 years old. D. Those who are under 65 years old. [多选题]使用前要检查设备上的( )。机械传动部分、电气部分要有可靠的防护装置,否则不准开动。
A.防护 B.保险 C.信号装置 D.开关 E. F. G. H.多选 [单选题]一位研究者选择100名新生儿黄疸患儿,同时在该院选择了100名未患此病的新生儿,然后查阅婴儿母亲的妇科和分娩记录,以确定产前和分娩中的各种暴露因素,该方法属于
A.现况研究 B.病例-对照研究 C.队列研究 D.临床试验研究 E.社区干预试验 [单选题]加强文化环境建设,突出 规范营院政治环境,打造特色职业文化,发晨丰富多彩的传统文化.战斗文化.安全文化.法治文化。( )
A.两学一做 B.训词精神 C.队旗队徽 D.四句话方针 我来回答: 提交