Sleepwalking is a disorder
characterized by walking or other activities a person engaged in while
{{U}} (62) {{/U}} still asleep. It is especially {{U}} (63) {{/U}}
among children. Each night there are several {{U}} (64) {{/U}} of non-REM
and REM sleep. Sleepwalking most often occurs during deep, non-REM sleep early
in the night. It can also occur during REM sleep near morning. The cause of sleepwalking in children is usually unknown {{U}} (65) {{/U}} may be related to fatigue,{{U}} (66) {{/U}} sleep loss, or anxiety. Sleepwalking in adults can be associated with mental disorders, reactions to drugs and alcohol, or disease such as seizures: In the elderly, sleepwalking may be a {{U}} (67) {{/U}} of an organic brain syndrome(综合病症) or REM behavior disorders. The sleepwalking activity may include simply sitting {{U}} (68) {{/U}} A. involve B. evolve C. solve D. dissolve [填空题] Shoppers wary of ’premium’ goods
One of the marketing industry’s favourite terms is ’premium’ - usually taken to mean ’luxury’ or ’top quality’. The ideal is to create a premium car, wristwatch or perfume - something that appears to transcend the ordinary. When they succeed, marketers are able to charge high prices for the resulting product. However, manufacturers should take note of a recent survey of shoppers’ attitudes to so-called premium goods. (9) In fact, the tag seems to have become devalued by overuse. Consumers of all socio-economic backgrounds are very keen to buy the best - but not all product categories lend themselves to a premium status. ’Premium’ can be used in any category where image is paramount, and that includes cars, toiletries, clothes and electronics. (10) Banking and insurance are typical of this second group. More than 70 per cent of consumers interviewed in the survey said tha [判断题]银行承兑汇票是指申请人签发的,由承兑银行承兑,保证人在指定日期无条件支付确定金额给收款人或持票人的商业汇票。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]生产经营单位与从业人员订立协议,免除或者减轻其对从业人员因生产安全事故()依法应承担的责任的,该协议无效;
A. 电源设备的故障 B. 阴极保护不当 C. 阴极故障 D. 电缆故障 [单选题]男性,47岁,半年前开始出现餐后上腹疼痛。经医院正规治疗缓解,1周前又出现此症状,至医院就诊。胃镜发现胃小弯侧溃疡性病变,病理证实良性。患者术后第6天。胃管内流出咖啡色胃液300ml,最可能是因为
A.吻合口感染 B.吻合口瘘 C.术后正常出血 D.吻合几部分粘膜坏死脱落 E.术中止血不确切 [多项选择]符合原发性肾病综合征尿液检查结果的有( )
A. 血浆总蛋白降低 B. 血胆固醇降低 C. 血白细胞增多 D. 血白蛋白、球蛋白比例倒置 E. 尿蛋白+++~++++ [多选题]非易燃无毒气体是()。(易)
A.氮 B.二氧化碳 C.氖 D.二氧化碳 [单项选择]项目计划的制定和实施是以()为出发点的。
A. 某个组织 B. 某个单位的利益 C. 某个部门 D. 项目和项目管理的总体及职能 [判断题] 操作后应检查各相的实际位置,无法观察实际位置时,可通过间接方式确认该设备已操作到位。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]高大模板支撑系统的拆除作业必须()。
A. 自上而下逐层进行 B. 严禁上下层同时拆除作业 C. 先里后外 D. 先轻后重 E. 分段拆除的高度不应大于两层 [判断题]工作票应使用黑色或蓝色的钢(水)笔或圆珠笔填写与签发,一式两份,内容应正确,填写应清楚,不得任意涂改。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]LKJ-2000监控装置测距仪显示界面的标题栏呈条状位于屏幕上侧,显示日期时间及( )名称。《LKJ2000型列车运行监控记录装置》P217
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