Fate has not been kind to the western
grey whale. Its numbers have dwindled to 130 or so, leaving it “critically
endangered” in the eyes of the International Union for the Conservation of
Nature. Fishing-nets, speeding ships, pollution and coastal development threaten
the few that remain. Most recently, drilling for oil and gas in their main
summer feeding grounds, near Sakhalin island off Russia’s Pacific coast, has
brought fresh risks for the luckless creatures. Yet the rush to develop
Sakhalin’s offshore fields may yet be the saviour of the species. When drilling was first discussed in the 1990s, there were muted complaints. When a consortium called Sakhalin. Energy, led by Royal Dutch Shell, announced plans to build an oil platform and lay pipelines in the only bay where the whales were known to congregate, these protests prolife A. More Efforts Needed to Protect the Endangered Whales. B. The Environmental Risks and Rewards of Offshore Oil. C. The Already Endangered Whales Still in Danger. D. More Offshore Oil Projects, More Chances for Whales. [判断题]装拆接地线可不使用绝缘棒或戴绝缘手套。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]影响正线、辅助线行车及行车设备设施使用,影响400V供电,客运设备系统全线同步升级的作业为()。
A.A类 B.B类 C.C类 D.Z类 [单选题]下列那些部件属于联合调节器的功率机构?( )
A.配速滑阀 B.油马达 C.补偿活塞 D.推杆 [简答题]点火前上水至水位多少?
[多选题]国际标准集装箱车辆的认定标准有________。( )
A.运输的集装箱箱体尺寸、重量要符合国家标准《GB∕T1413-2008系列1集装箱分类、尺寸和额定质量》的相关规定。 B.运输的集装箱箱体标记要符合《国家标准GB∕T1836-1997集装箱代码、识别和标记》的相关规定。 C.车辆行驶证为集装箱半挂车,道路运输证为集装箱专用运输。 D.集装箱道路运输车辆需携带运单。 [单项选择]根据我国《计算机软件保护条例》,计算机软件著作权取得的时间是()。
A. 软件首次发表之日 B. 软件进行著作权登记之日 C. 软件开发完成之日 D. 软件商业使用之日 [单选题]以下哪一种不属于Massler-Schour乳牙龋蚀的归类
A.单纯性龋 B.忽视性龋 C.少年龋 D.猖獗龋 E.静止性龋 [判断题]《Q/CSG-GXPG2054001-2021广西电网有限责任公司基建项目施工组织管理业务指导书》3.4 施工组织设计:施工项目部应当根据项目具体情况,编写本项目的施工组织设计,并经本企业项目负责人审查后报监理项目部审核、业主项目部审批。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]你是某考区的负责人,考试前发生塌方事故,试卷无法送到指定考场怎么办?
A. 1/4 B. 1/3 C. 1/2 D. 1 [单项选择]在国家标准中,表示管线坡度的符号为()。
A. n B. m C. i D. J [单选题]防火窗按照其采用的窗框和窗扇框架的主要材料分类,木质防火窗的代号为()。
A. GFC. B. MFC. C. GMFC. D. FC. [单项选择]关于个人信用报告中异议标注的描述,错误的是()。
A. 添加异议标注的对象是无法及时更正的错误信息 B. 添加异议标注的主体是征信中心 C. 添加异议标注的主体是异议信息的数据报送机构 D. 添加异议标注的内容是说明错误数据的真实情况 [单项选择]患者便后不洗手可引起自体感染的寄生虫病是( )
A. 蛔虫病 B. 钩虫病 C. 鞭虫病 D. 蛲虫病 E. 旋毛虫病 [判断题]作业人员伤害事故类别包括:铁路车辆伤害、物体打击、起重伤害、机械伤害、触电、高处及高空坠落、火灾、爆炸、中毒和窒息等伤害事故
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当油箱加满燃油时,可以有多少膨胀裕度?
A.5%。 B.1%; C.2%; D.3%; [单选题]完成工作许可手续后,( )应向工作组员交待带电部位,已采取的安全措施和其它注意事项。
A.工作领导人 B.工作监护人 C.工作执行人 D.工作许可人 [填空题]Although one might not think so from some of the (S1) ______________ of it, advertising is essential to the kind of society in the United Kingdom, and a very (S2) ______________ proportion of the world at large. Advertising is necessary as a means of (S3) ______________ with others, of telling them about the goods and services that are (S4) ______________ , and of which most of them would never get to hear at all if it were not for advertising. And advertising helps a great deal to promote a rising (S5) ______________ of living.
In talking about advertising, one should not think (S6) ______________ in terms of a commercial on television, or an advertisement in the newspapers. After all, the roots of advertising are to be found in the (S7) ______________ place.
For many years it was thought that it was enough to produce goods and supply services. (S8) ______________________________________. In the competitive society in which we live, it is essential that we go out and sell what w
[单选题] 起重臂根部铰点高度大于50m的塔机,应配备风速仪,应安装在起重机顶部至吊具的( )。
A.中间部位 B.最高的位置间的不挡风处 C.最高的位置间的挡风处 D.最高位置 [单项选择]按照“先进先出”组织数据的数据结构是( )。
A. 队列 B. 栈 C. 双向链表 D. 二叉树 我来回答: 提交