21-25 Over the last 25 years, British society has changed a great deal--or at least many parts of it have. In some ways, however, very little has changed, particularly where attitudes are concerned. Ideas about social class--whether a person is "working-class" or "middle-class"--are one area in which changes have been extremely slow. In the past, the working-class tended to be paid less than middle-class people, such as teachers and doctors. As a result of this and also of the fact that workers’ jobs were generally much less secure, distinct differences in life-styles and attitudes came into existence. The typical working man would collect his wages on Friday evening and then, it was widely believed, having given his wife her "housekeeping", would go out and squander the rest on beer and betting. The stereotype A. middle-class ways of spending money. B. working-class ways of spending the weekend. C. working-class drinking habits. D. middle-class attitudes. [单选题]11.因查封、扣押发生的保管费用由()承担。
A.行政机关委托的第三人 B.行政机关 C.当事人 D.行政执法人员 [判断题].受过刑事处罚的都不予以颁发导游证。
[单项选择]在经济增长的过程中,( )是经济增长的基础条件。
A. 土地 B. 劳动力 C. 资本 D. 生产要素率 [单选题]下列事件中,与周恩来有直接关系的重大事件是()。
A.南昌起义、亚非会议(万隆会议)、中美正式建交 B.南昌起义、重庆谈判、亚非会议(万隆会议) C.亚非会议(万隆会议)、重庆谈判、中美正式建交 D.广州起义、西安事变和平解决、重庆谈判 [判断题]移动某些非固定安装的电气设备时,可以不必切断电源。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] In 1999, John Wood, then 35 and Microsoft’’s No. 2 in China, journeyed to Nepal with some 3,000 books in tow-not to read on vacation but to give to a school that could not afford any. The project was a joint venture between Wood and Dinesh Prasad Shrestha, a rural-aid worker in Kathmandu whom the IT executive had met earlier. It planted an idea. "We should get serious about this," Shrestha told Wood. "We should be more organized and do this properly. "
The rest of Room to Read’’s story may not yet be a corporate legend, but "the business" , as Wood calls it, has certainly broken plenty of new ground since he quit his job and launched a new career. " Microsoft didn’’t need me," he explains, " the children of Nepal did." In just five years, the charity has built more than 100 schools, assembled some 1,000 libraries, stocked them with almost half a million new books, put more than 500 girls on long-term scholarships, and opened 45 computer and language rooms. And not just in Nepa
A. 飞行状态监控 B. 任务规划 C. 飞行视角显示 [单项选择]下纲的作用是()。
A. 穿扎网衣,穿结浮子,承受张力,使网具下部有固定长度 B. 穿扎网衣,穿结沉子,承受张力,使网具上部有固定长度 C. 穿扎网衣,穿结沉子,承受张力,使网具下部有固定长度 [单选题]施工地点与防护人员间瞭望条件不良又无电话联系时,应增设( )。
A.现场防护员 B.中间防护人员 C.驻站联络员 D.安全员 [单选题]运用各种设计方法,对人的整体形象进行再塑造的人员。这是什么职业?
A. 形象设计师 B. 锁具修理工 C. 呼叫服务员 D. 水生哺乳动物驯养师 [多选题]2.商业拆入资金用于(.)
A.弥补票据结算的不足. B.弥补联行汇差头寸的不足 C.解决临时性周转资金的需要 D.以上说法都正确 [单选题]项目投资决策的参与主体中,投资者最关注的是( )。
A.自身的安全性 B.项目的收益水平和风险大小 C.资金的流动性和收益性 D.充分就业和物价稳定 [单选题] 非税收入是指除税收以外,由各级国家机关、事业单位、代行政府职能的社会团体及其他组织依法利用()、政府信誉、国有资源(资产)所有者权益等取得的各项收入。
A.法律 B.国家资源(资产)所有者权益 C.国家权力 D.政府信誉 [单选题]系统负荷为4000MW,正常运行时,f=50Hz,若系统发电出力减少200MW,系统频率运行在48Hz,则系统负荷的频率调节效应系数为( )。
A.2 B.1000 C.100 D.0.04 [多选题]喹诺酮对下列哪种病原体有效?( )
A.伤寒杆菌 B.分枝杆菌 C.真菌 D.厌氧菌 [多选题]施工现场需要编制用电组织设计的基准条件是( ).
A.用电设备5台及以上 B.用电设备总容量100kW及以上 C.用电设备总容量50kW及以上 D.用电设备10台及以上 E.用电设备5台及以上.且用电设备总容量100kW及以上 [判断题]顺控操作应具备人工急停功能。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列含氧酸中酸性最弱的是( )。
A.HClO3 B.HBrO3 C.H2SeO4 D.H2CO3 [判断题]持有期货公司5%以上股权的实际控制人决定转让所持有的期货公司股权的,应当在10日内通知期货公司。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]合同交付核心小组成员包括下面哪些人员
A.A:勘察设计经理B:排产发货经理C:施工经理D:质量经理 B.略 C.略 D.略 E.略 [单项选择]我相信人死后会有“来世”。
A. 是 B. 否 [判断题] 距离测量必须输入测站点的坐标。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]CO2焊可能产生的气孔主要有()。
A. CO2气孔 B. CO气孔 C. 氢气孔 D. 氧气孔 E. 氮气孔 [多项选择]一个抽样方案中应该有( )。
A. 合格品数 B. 样本大小 C. 不合格品数 D. 合格判定数 [单选题]可以进行并列操作的断路器称为同步点。发电厂内,一般不作为同步点的断路器是(____)。
A.同步发电机的断路器 B.母线联络断路器 C.母线分段断路器 D.升压变压器各侧断路器 [判断题]干式变压器由于过负荷时负载损耗和阻抗电压增幅较小,处于非经济运行状态,故不应使其处于长时间连续过负荷运行。(1分)
JUNE 1-7 New Products and Ideas: Gallery 1 2-6 Import Products from Around the Globe: Gallery 2 4-7 Products in Communications: Showroom A 4-7 Media and Technology: Showroom B 4-7 New Developments in Entertainment: Showroom C 4-7 Computers and the Internet: Showroom D 16-22 How to Seminars and Workshops: Conference Room 1 27-30 In the Beginning: Research and Development: Conference Room 2 To whom it may concern, I am writing this letter to confirm my booth location at this year’s annual New Ideas in Technology Exhibition. I registered for the exhibit online in January, and I’m concerned because I have yet to receive an invoice for the cost of both the space and rental equipment. We have developed new computer equipment specifically for the Internet over the course of the year, and believe that this year’s exhibition will be a great location for us to show our new items. Due to our recent growth, I was hopin A. Computers and the Internet B. Media and Technology C. Import Products from Around the Globe D. New Developments in Entertainment [多项选择]一个完整的股票市场由( )几个主体共同组成。
A. 股份有限公司 B. 上市公司 C. 证券交易所 D. 证券公司 E. 股票投资者 我来回答: 提交