Malls are popular places for Americans to go. Some people spend so much time at malls that they are called "mall rats". Mall rats shop until they drop in the hundreds of stores under one rood.
People like malls for many reasons. They feel safe because malls have police stations of private security guards. Parking is usually free, and the weather inside is always fine. The newest malls have beautiful rest areas with waterfalls and large green trees.
The largest mall in the United States is the Mall of America in Minnesota. It covers 4.2 mil- lion square feet. It has 350 stores, eight night clubs, and a seven-acre park! There are park- ing spaces for 2,750 cars. About 750,000 people shop there every week.
The first indoor mall in the United States was built in 1965 in Edina, Minnesota. People like doing all their shopping in one place. More malls were built around the country. Now, malls are like town centers where people come to do many things, th
A. One spends so much time at malls.
B. One steals at malls.
C. One sees dentists at malls.
D. One eats a lot at malls.
PRODUCT WILL SAVE LIVES{{/B}} Drinking water that looks clean may still contain bugs, which can cause illness. A small company called Genera Technologies has produced a testing method in three stages, which shows whether water is safe. The new test shows if water needs chemicals added to it to destroy anything harmful. It was invented by scientist Dr Adrian Parton, who started Genera Technology five years ago. He and his employees have developed the test together with a British water company. A [单选题]《危险化学品管理条例》规定,生产企业转让安全生产许可证的,没收违法所得,处( )的罚款,并吊销其安全生产许可证;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;接受转让的,依照《安全生产许可证条例》第十九条的规定处罚。
A.5万元以上20万元以下 B.10万元以上30万元以下 C.10万元以上50万元以下 D.30万元以下100万元以下 [单选题]到发线中岔电路中,利用( )的再次吸起来控制中间道岔的解锁时机。
A.JSJ B.CSJ C.FGJ D.CSHJ [多选题]TFDS作业平台与列检复示终端实现故障()的闭环管理。
A.预报 B.反馈 C.跟踪 D.确认 [判断题]集团公司管内普速铁路各站可以办理跟踪出站调车。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电缆孔洞,应用防水材料严密封堵。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述头CT及MRI在诊断囊虫病方面的优缺点。
[单选题]工程项目费用管理首先要进行的工作是 ()
A.确定工程费用项目组成 B.编制资源消耗计划 C.进行工程费用项目估算 D.编制项目资金使用计划 [填空题]Recruiting(招募)the right candidate to fill a vacancy can be a difficult and costly task. 【31】 the wrong person could be an expensive mistake which could cause personnel problems for the whole department. And, as every HR (Human Resource) manager knows, it is much more difficult to get rid of someone than it is to 【32】 them.
The HR manager’’s first decision is 【33】 to recruit internal applicants or advertise the vacancy outside the company. 【34】 applicants are easy to recruit by memo, e-mail, or newsletter. Furthermore, they are easy to assess and know the company well. 【35】 , they rarely bring fresh ideas to a position. Moreover, a rejected internal candidate might become unhappy and leave the company.
Recruiting outside the company means either advertising the vacancy directly or 【36】 an employment agency. If the company decides to advertise the vacancy directly, it has to decide where to place the 【37】 . Traditionally this has meant newspapers and professional journals but
A. A.whether B.if C.which D.where [单选题] 隧道内良好的空气状态是行车安全的必要条件,通风是为了把隧道内的有害气体或污染物质的浓度降至允许浓度以下,以保证汽车行驶的安全性和舒适性,同时有利于隧道内的维修.养护人员的身体健康。隧道通风方式很多,选择时考虑的最主要因素是( )条件,同时还要考虑气象.环境.地形以及地质等条件,从而选择既有效又经济的通风方式。
A.隧道通风和交通 B.隧道长度和交通 C.隧道长度和通风 D.隧道长度和安全 [单选题]截至2020年底,青岛农商银行全行网点总数为( )个,其中,在青岛地区设有营业网点( )个,是当地网点数量最多,服务范围最广泛的银行,在异地设有营业网点3个,其中章丘1个,烟台2个。
A.358,355 B.359,356 C.360,357 D.361,358 [单选题]常用的检索工具有()
A.目录、文摘、索引 B.目录、文摘、分类、索引 C.文摘、索引、资料指南 D.目录、文摘、索引、资料指南 [单选题]列车被迫停车妨碍邻线时,应立即派人按规定防护。如发现邻线有列车开来时,应鸣示( )信号。
A.注意信号 B.减速信号 C.紧急停车 D.警报信号 [单选题]对无列检作业场的车站摘下的热轴铁路货车,列检人员应及时到达甩车车站进行热轴故障检查和图像采集,并将检查结果报车辆段调度员,车辆段调度员分别向铁路局集团公司( )、车辆调度员报告。
A.调度员 B.值班员 C.技术专职 D.红外线调度员 [单选题]SiH4=Si+2H2的化学反应类型是( )
A.化合 B.分解 C.置换 D.复分解 [判断题]在某一销售区域内,导购人数切勿多于顾客人数。必要时,一些多余的导购人员可暂时避开
[单选题]物品损失价值( )属于一般事故
A.200元以上(包含200元) B.200元以下 C.200元 D.200元以上(不含200)至一万元 [单项选择]老年人用药易引起神经系统抑制的是( )。
A. 镇静安眠药 B. 解热镇痛药 C. 降压药 D. β受体阻滞剂 E. 抗心绞痛药 [多选题]工程定额计价方法与工程量清单计价方法的区别有( )。
A.编制工程量的主体不同 B.合同价格不同 C.单价与报价的组成不同 D.计价依据不同 E.适用阶段不同 [简答题]什么叫
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