If you are a fan of science fiction,
you’ve no doubt encountered the term nanotechnology. Yet over the past year
also, a series of breakthroughs have transformed nanotech from sci-fi fantasy
into a real world. Applied science, in the process, inspired huge investments by
business, academia, and government. In industries as diverse as health care,
computers, chemicals, and aerospace, nanotech is overhauling production
techniques, resulting in new and improved products, some of which may already be
in your home or workplace. The inspiration for nanotech goes back to a 1959 speech by the late physicist Richard Feynman, then a professor at the California Institute of Technology, titled "There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom. " Four decades later, Chad Mirkin, a Chemistry professor at Northwestern University’s $ 34 million nanotech A. The two strands making up DNA’s double helix can find each other easily in a complex chemical mixture B. Evolution has solved the problem of building a computer smaller than a speck of dust a long time before C. DNA not only programs cells to replicate themselves but also instructs them how to assemble individual molecules into new materials D. The read-head components for computer hard drives are constructed by means of the technology known as a molecular beam epitaxy [判断题]动车组转向架结冰需要列车限速时,无砟轨道区段限速250公里/小时及以下,有砟轨道区段限速 200 公里/小时及以下。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]钢在理想条件下进行淬火硬化能达到的最高硬度的能力称()。
A. 淬硬性 B. 回火 C. 淬透性 D. 淬变性 [单选题]当有异物进入眼内,采用()急救方法是不正确的。
A.用清水冲洗眼睛 B.反复眨眼,用眼泪将异物冲出来 C.用手揉眼,把异物揉出来 [单项选择]并购已成为企业迅速扩张和财富重组的重要手段,你觉得下列选项中最能代表并购积极作用的是()
A. 多元化经营引导消费方向 B. 国际化经营主导汇率走势 C. 规模化经营优化信贷结构 D. 规模化经营优化资源配置 [单项选择]下列不属于作业调度算法的是( )。
A. 多队列循环算法 B. 短作业优先算法 C. 最高优先级算法 D. 最高响应比作业优先算法 [判断题]作业人员登杆塔前应核对停电检修线路的识别标记和线路名称、杆号无误后,方可攀登。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]全国性银行以及其他跨省设立分支机构的银行业金融机构,应在一级分支机构以下实行关键印章上收一级管理;其他银行业金融机构应全面实行关键印章上收一级管理。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交