Some people believe that mental acts
such as thinking are not done in the brain alone, but that one’s muscles also
join them. It may be said that we think with our muscles in somewhat the same
way that we listen to music with our bodies. You surely are not surprised to be told that you usually listen to music not only with your ears but with your whole body. Few people can listen to music that is well-known to them without moving their body or some part of their body. Often when one listens to a concert on the radio, he tries to direct the players even though he knows there is a conductor on the job. Strange as this act may be, there is a very good reason for it. One cannot get all possible enjoyment from music unless he joins in playing. The listener "feels" himself into the music with more or less pronounced movements of h A. Muscles joining in the act of thinking is easy to see. B. The pronounced body moving is a listener’s way of "feeling "the music. C. It is strange to some people that the mental acts don’ t only exist in the brain. D. One can get enjoyment better from the music when acting as a "conductor." [单选题]( )66 电缆敷设中,( )是电缆芯线的重要技术参数,应及时予以检测。
A.导电性能 B.芯线之间的绝缘 C.芯线与“地”的绝缘 D.导电性能,芯线之间的绝缘和芯线与“地”的绝缘 [判断题]采用旁路作业方式进行电缆线路不停电作业时,旁路电缆两侧的环网柜等设备均应带断路器(开关),并预留备用间隔。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]以下哪种原发病变可引起继发性视神经萎缩?
A. Leber病 B. 青光眼 C. 眶内肿瘤 D. 视网膜中央动脉阻塞 [单选题]普速铁路列车运行速度160Km/h及以上区段,列车通过前()min,车站值班员应通知调车长停止邻线线间距不足6.5m的通过列车一侧的调车作业。
A.2 B.3 C.5 D.10 [单项选择]How much did the stamp of Elvis Presley cost
A. 29 cents. B. 32 cents. C. 35 cents. [多选题]站、段必须建立健全铁路客货运输票据及报表的“三检”自检、( )复核制度,防止发生差错。
A.互检 B.总检 C.抽检 D.分检 [多项选择]Dab=( )。
A. 10 B. 20 C. 15 D. 30 [单选题]眼睑内翻常见于何种疾病
A.A:结膜炎 B.B:沙眼 C.C:甲状腺功能亢进 D.D:重症肌无力 E.E:颅内高压 [判断题]动力稳定车一次作业后,线路的横向阻力值便恢复到作业前的80%以上,从而有效地提高了捣固作业后的线路质量。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]火警划分为一、二、三、四、五级,一级最低,五级最高。分别用绿色、蓝色、黄色、橙色、红色表示( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列哪项不是清洁的目的:
A.去除潜在病原微生物 B.减少接触感染的机会 C.保持物品美观 D.预防医院感染 [多选题]甲与其嫂乙有仇,意图杀害乙。某日,甲趁乙生病之时,煮好一碗面条给 乙后离开。乙怀疑面条有毒,而将该面条给前来玩耍的邻居小孩丙食用,丙食 用后 2 小时死亡。本案中,( ).
A.甲对丙的死亡有间接故意 B.对乙而言,甲构成故意杀人未遂 C.乙对丙的死亡有间接故意 D.对丙而言,乙构成故意杀人既遂 [判断题]秘书部门最直接、最主要的工作就是为领导和领导机关服务。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()是电动捣固机的操纵部分。
A.镐柄与框架 B.振动电动 C.镐板与镐头 D.振动框架 [单选题]关于点钞,以下说法错误的是
A.点钞是指按照一定的方法查清票币的数额,即整理、清点钞票,使进出钞票的数量和质量得到保证 B.对于前台柜员以及出纳人员来说,清点钞票是一项经常的、大量的、技术性很强的工作 C.点钞技术是前台柜员和出纳员的基础技能之一但并非必备 D.点钞技术的质量和效率是考核前台柜员和出纳员业务素质的重要指标 E.以上都不对 [填空题]电气化区段运行的客车、机械冷藏车等应有( )的标识。
[单选题]下列最适宜夏季冻制菜肴的原料是( )。
A.鱼肉 B.羊羔 C.脚爪 D.猪肉 我来回答: 提交