Mr. Jones was very angry with his wife, and she was very angry with her husband.
(21) several days they didn’t speak (22) each other at all. One evening Mr. Jones was very (23) when he came back (24) work, so he went to bed (25) after dinner. Of course, he didn’t say (26) to Mrs. Jones before he went up stairs. Mrs. Jones washed the dinner (27) and then did some sewing. When she went up to bed (28) later than her husband, she found a piece of paper on the small table (29) her bed. On it were the words "Mother. Wake me (30) at 7 a.m. --Father."
When Mr. Jones woke up the next morning, it was nearly 8 a.m. and on the small table near his bed he saw another piece of paper. He took it and read these words: "Father. Wake up. It is 7 a.m. --Mother."
The rise of "temp" work has further
magnified the decreasing rights and alienation of the worker. It is common
corporate Practice to phase out full-time employees and hire temporary workers
to take on more workload in less time. When facing a pressing deadline, a
corporation may pay $15~$20 per hour for a temp worker, but the temp worker will
only see $ 7 or $ 8 of that money. The rest goes to temp agency, which is
usually a corporate chain, such as Kelly Services, that blatantly makes its
profits off other people’s labor. This increases profits of the corporations
because they can increase a workload, get rid of the employee when they’re
finished, and not worry about paying benefits or unemployment for that employee.
I have had to work with temps a few times in my current position, and the
workers only want one thing--a full-time job A. Corporations intend to leave more workload to temporary workers. B. Temp workers are generally well-trained and can achieve high efficiency. C. Corporations can reduce their production cost by employing temp workers. D. Corporations can benefit a great deal from keeping a small full-time work force. [单选题]铁路运输费用结算方式非现金结算包括支票、 ( )等。
A.代收款 B.预付款 C.电子支付 D.付款证明 [单选题]电缆隧道、偏僻山区、夜间、事故或恶劣天气等巡视工作,应至少( )人一组进行。
A.两人 B.三人 C.四人 D.五人 E.略 F.略 [多选题]组成晶闸管触发电路的基本环节是( )等环节
A.同步移相 B.脉冲形成与整形 C.脉冲封锁 D.脉冲放大与输出 [多选题] 杨某(女)在同事王某的怂恿下非法侵入某国防建设网站,案发时,怀有6个月身孕。经查实,杨某犯罪情节较轻,并有悔罪表现,平时表现良好。下列关于杨某的说法正确的是( )。 (1分)
A. 构成非法侵入计算机信息系统罪 B. 应当宣告缓刑 C. 应当宣告无罪 D. 应当判处管制 [单项选择]计划经济下的职业道德包括()等。
A. 求实创新 B. 公平交易 C. 重义轻利 D. 开拓进取 [判断题]† 年 4 月 1 日起实施的《上海轨道交通行车组织规程》中规定,扣车是指根据运营需要,采用技术手段把列车扣停的作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]In the context of contracts of employment, explain the common law duties imposed on:
(a) employers; (6 marks)
[填空题]根据《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》的规定,下列事故中,属于重大事故的是( ).
[单项选择]项目建设实施活动的领导者是( )。
A. 建设项目经 B. 出资人 C. 业主方 D. 项目成员 [单选题]小学班级组织的( )决定了小学班级组织的结构特征
A.学习功能 B.社会功能 C.班级功能 D.个人主动功能 [单项选择]根据世贸组织《服务贸易总协定》,将服务贸易分为()类。
A. 12大类 B. 10大类 C. 14大类 D. 8大类 [单选题]在自动闭塞区段,当进站信号机不能使用时,列车凭( )进站。
A.路票 B.绿色许可证 C.引导信号 我来回答: 提交