Ever since this government’s term
began, the attitude to teachers has been overshadowed by the mantra that good
teachers cannot be rewarded if it means bad teachers are rewarded, too. That’s
why, despite the obvious need for them, big pay rises have not been awarded to
teachers across the board. The latest pay rise was 3.6 per cent--mad in the
present situation. That’s why, as well, the long battle over performance-related
pay was fought as teacher numbers slid. The idea is that some kind of year zero can eventually be achieved whereby all the bad teachers are gone and only the good teachers remain. That is why the Government’s attempts to relieve the teacher shortage have been so focused on offering incentives to get a new generation of teachers into training. The assumption is that so many of the teachers we have already are bad, that only by starting A. identify. B. aggravate. C. astonish. D. alleviate. [填空题]
The African ancestors of today’s black Americans were brought
to the U. S. as slaves in the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries.
They worked on farms, especially the large farms in the{{U}} (36)
{{/U}}states. Slowly they became a{{U}} (37) {{/U}}part of the
economic system of the South.
Slaves did not have the rights of people. According to the law, they were "things" which belonged to the person who bought them. They had to{{U}} (38) {{/U}}the orders of their owners without question. They were not allowed to learn to read; their owners feared that{{U}} (39) {{/U}}slaves would begin to think about the injustice of the system and would learn to struggle for their{{U}} (40) {{/U}}. Slaves had to work long hours in extremely unhealthy conditions. Their owners had complete power over them. They could be bought and Sold like animals at the slave markets, black children were{{U}} (41) {{/U}}from their parents and nev [单选题]一般情况下,燃煤锅炉的输入热量是指()
A.A、低位发热量 B.B、高位发热量 C.C、收到基低位发热量 D.D、收到基高位发热量 [单选题]网络软件实现网络功能不可缺少的软件环境。网络软件主要包括:( )。
A.网络互换设备和网络协议 B.网络协议和计算机系统 C.网络协议和网络操作系统 D.网络操作系统和传输介质 [判断题]人在梯子上时,禁止移动梯子。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]():除列车在正线运行、车站(车辆段)到发以外的一切机车、车辆或列车有目的的移动。
A.调试 B.调车 C.折返 D.动车 [单选题]当机床三色灯的红色灯亮时,表示( )。
A.机床处于准备状态 B.机床有故障 C.机床处于非加工状态 D.机床正在进行自动加工 [多选题]采取()措施可防止热对流造成火势的蔓延。
A.控制通风口 B.冷却热气流 C.把热气流导向没有危险的地方 D.任由热气流流动 [单选题]—级评价评价范围内有适用于《声环境质量标准 》(GB 3096)规定的( )类声环境功能区域,以及对噪声有特别限制要求的保护区等敏感目标。
A.0 B.I C.II D.IV [简答题]19世纪末,美国西部有个坏孩子,他把石头扔向邻居的窗户,把死兔装进桶里放到学校的火炉里烧烤,弄得臭气熏天。9岁那年,他父亲娶了继母,父亲对继母说:“你要注意这孩子,他在我们这里最坏,让我防不胜防,头痛死了。”继母好奇地走近孩子,对孩子进行了全面了解后,对丈夫说:“你错了,亲爱的,他不是最坏的孩子,而是最聪明的孩子,只是我们还没有找到发挥他聪明才智的地方罢了。”继母很欣赏这个孩子,在她的正确引导下,孩子很快走上了正路,后来成为美国著名的企业家和思想家,他就是戴尔?卡耐基。
你怎样理解“坏孩子” “差学生”?你从这个故事中得到什么启发?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]遥控的过程分为:选择、返校、执行或撤销。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当氯酸钾的量超过( )吨时构成重大危险源。
A.35 B.15 C.50 D.100 [多选题]关于美国概论,以下符合作者在书中描述的是( )。
A.美国独立战争持续8年 B.美国人口不断增长 C.美国土地辽阔 D.美国气候整体比欧洲好 [单项选择]累进收入税对投资乘数的影响是()
A. 使投资乘数无效 B. 增加投资乘数 C. 减小投资乘数 D. 不能确定 [单项选择]“待非罪化”是指()
A. “准犯罪” B. 无被害人犯罪 C. 误判犯罪等待改判 D. 国家根据社会的发展解除对一些行为的禁止 我来回答: 提交