Everybody dances. If you have
(1) swerved to avoid stepping on a crack in the sidewalk,
you have danced. If you have ever kneeled to pray, you have danced. For these
actions have figured importantly (2) the history of dance.
Dance goes (3) to the beginnings of civilization—
(4) the tribe—where natives danced to get (5)
they wanted. Primitive dance was (6) all
practical, not the social dancing we know today. Natives approached dance with
(7) seriousness as a way to help the tribe in the crucial
process (8) survival. Dance was believed to be the
(9) direct way to repel locusts, to (10)
rain to fall, to insure that a male heir would be born, and (11)
guarantee victory in a forthcoming battle. Primitive (12) was generally done by many people moving in A. are B. was C. were D. is [多项选择]验船师对一艘总长为29.80m的沿海船进行建造检验,该船属于高速船,载客13人,检验完成后,船检部门需签发的证书包括:()
A. 海上客船适航证书 B. 海上船舶吨位证书 C. 海上船舶乘客定额证书 D. 海上高速船安全证书 [判断题]客户方许可人应由熟悉现场接线方式及设备情况,具备相应资质的电气工作人员担任,也可以由客户委托承装(修、试)客户设备的设计方电气人员担任。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]痫证的表现为()
A. 突然仆倒,昏不知人,口吐涎沫,两目上视,四肢抽搐,醒后头昏乏力 B. 突然仆倒,昏不知人,呼吸气粗,四肢厥冷,移时苏醒,醒后如常人 C. 项背强直,角弓反张,四肢抽搐,或见昏迷 D. 狂乱无知,喧扰不宁,躁妄打骂,不食不眠 E. 精神抑郁,沉默痴呆,语无伦次,喜怒无常 [单选题]在线路带电情况下,砍剪靠近线路的树木时,( )应在工作开始前,向全体人员说明:电力线路有电,人员、树木、绳索应与导线保持表4的安全距离。
A.工作许可人 B.工作票签发人 C.工作负责人 D.小组负责人 [简答题]要使焦炉操作稳定,应减少煤气夹带的煤粉、焦粉等物质。
A. 20世纪20年代早期 B. 20世纪20年代中期 C. 20世纪20年代后期 D. 20世纪30年代早期 [单选题]运行于相邻两个技术站之间,在( )不进行摘挂车作业的货物列车称为区段列车。
A.编组站 B.货运站 C.区段站 D.中间站 [填空题]一个模块直接调用的其他模块个数称为______。
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