Live theatre lives. In England in every
town, someone is rehearsing, someone devising, someone performing. Winchester is
a good example. Ancient capital of England, population approximately 60,000 when
you take in the suburbs. Live theatre comes to Winchester and made in
Winchester, week in week out. It has a 400-seat theatre in the city centre and an arts centre in the outskirts seating 150. These offer a programme of visiting companies on a tour of one-night or three-to-four night stands, moving from one gathering place to another around the country, using moveable sets in flexible space. New productions of classic works, ancient and modern but always live: e A. They hold their performance in large theatres. B. They often perform one play for 2 or 3 months. C. They have the same performance to the audiences in different ways. D. They often stay in Winchester for 2 or 3 months. [单选题]历史上制造了“巴比伦之囚”的国王是( )
A.提格拉特·帕拉沙尔三世 B.大流士 C.尼布甲尼撒二世 D.所罗门 [不定项选择题]患者,女性,63岁,诊断为支气管哮喘急性发作,使用布地奈德、沙丁胺醇吸人、氨茶碱静脉滴注治疗。
A.心律失常 B.支气管痉挛 C.惊厥 D.血压下降 E.血糖升高 [判断题]《中国铁路上海局集团有限公司客运岗位作业标准实施意见》(上铁办客〔2020〕38 号)规定,人工检查是指使用手持金属探测仪,对旅客进行人身检查, 发现可疑物品妥善处置。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]造血祖细胞的免疫学标记是
A.CD7 B.CD19 C.CD34 D.CD38 E.CD33 [单项选择]在认知领域的教学目标中,()代表较高水平的理解
A. 知识 B. 领会 C. 应用 D. 分析 [单选题] 差压式液位计可分为( )。
A.压力式液位计和差压式液位计 B.压力式液位计和浮球式液位计 C.电容式液位计和差压式液位计 D.玻璃板液位计和差压式液位计 [单项选择]客房部应向()部提供必要的住客资料和信息。
A. 人事 B. 财务 C. 公关 D. 保安 [单项选择]放射线照射晚期障碍,出现疾患可能性最大的是
A. 白细胞数减少 B. 皮肤烧伤 C. 肺纤维化 D. 癌的发生 E. 口腔炎 [单选题]调控中心当值值班监控员与现场值班运维人员通过录音电话按时办理集中监控职责交接手续,并向( )汇报。
A.设备监控管理处 B.运检部 C.自动化处 D.设备所辖调度 [单选题]铬黑T指示剂在不同的pH时显不同的颜色,当溶液的pH值为()时,指示剂本身显蓝色。(1分)
A.A.6~7 B.B.8~11 C.C.>12 D.D.<6 [单项选择] Cancer
The popular TV variety-show host was grim but calm. He faced the cameras and said bluntly: "I have cancer."
Masataka Itsumi’’s disclosure may be the latest sign that the shame associated with cancer is finally breaking down in a country where, unlike the United Sates, the topic has traditionally been taboo.
Cancer is the country’’s No.1 killer, chaining more than 230,000 lives a year. Despite the number of people affected, the subject has long been concealed in secrecy and silence.
As a rule, Japanese are reluctant to tell anyone other than family if they have cancer. And doctors often lie to patients about a cancer diagnosis, fearing they would be depressed and weakened by the truth. Polls indicate that most people would prefer to be told if they have cancer. But health authorities have estimated as few as one in five cancer patients is given a truthful diagnosis. "The patient is very afraid to hear of having cancer, so ma
A. secrecy about cancer will continue to be common B. the patient with cancer and his or her family will be grateful to the doctor who does not tell the truth C. the true condition of the patient with cancer tends to be revealed D. doctors are so respected that what they say will increasingly be believed [判断题]地面控制中心通过电缆与铁路线上的轨道电路.信号机.应答器等设备相连,主要完成列车位置检测.形成速度信号及目的距离等信号,并将此信号传递给列车,车载设备将按照速度信号控制列车制动。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]人为地将机体的正常菌群或已定植的细菌,部分或全部去除的一种防止感染措施称为()
A. 去污染 B. 消毒 C. 灭菌 D. 抗感染 E. 无菌技术 [单选题]甲欲买房,乙欲卖房,两人协商过程中,乙坚持房价为十万元,甲坚持八万元,双方未能达成一致。一日,甲见乙患病无力,强迫乙在准备好的合同上签字。甲的行为违背了哪一项民法原则?
A.自愿原则 B.平等原则 C.诚信原则 D.公平原则 [填空题]电压源与电流源的等效变换是对()而言的。
[多选题]党的十九大的主题是:不忘初心,牢记使命,( )。
A.高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 B.决胜全面建成小康社会 C.夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利 D.为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦不懈奋斗 [判断题]当电容器测量时万用表指针摆动后停止不动,说明电容器短路。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )是因为供应品牌个数不能满足市场需求而引入,需要经历较长的培养周期。
A.主销品牌 B.替代品牌 C.新品牌 D.待淘汰品牌 [多项选择]施工测量组织实施包括( )。
A. 人员组织 B. 仪器设备组织 C. 资金组织 D. 进度组织 E. 技术组织 [判断题] 进行水域事故处置,被救上岸的溺水者,应迅速移交医疗急救人员进行现场急救。如无医务人员到场,救援人员要对被救人员进行现场急救,并及时送往就近医院实施抢救。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]锅炉工作时,水位保持过高会影响()。
A. 蒸汽质量 B. 蒸汽产量 C. 炉水质量 D. 锅炉效率 [多选题]电网公司要无歧视向增量配电网业主开放电网,提供()的并网服务。
A.便捷 B.及时 C.经济 D.高效 [单项选择]墙在建筑物中的作用为______。
A. 承重 B. 围护 C. 分隔 D. 承重、围护、分隔 [判断题]执行中如果情况发生急剧变化,原命令确实无法继续执行而又来不及或者无法请示报告时,应当根据上级总的意图,以高度负责的精神,积极主动地机断行事,坚决完成任务,事后迅速向上级报告。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]有些小型用电设备可以两台同时搭接一个漏保器。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]致病性葡萄球菌都能产生血浆凝固酶。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]慢性肺心病出现右心衰竭时,以下哪项可能不是心衰的表现().
A. 双肺底湿啰音 B. 肝肿大和压痛 C. 双下肢水肿 D. 胸腔积液 E. 肝颈静脉回流征阳性 [单选题] 联通物联网专用11位号码有
A.130 B.156 C.146 D.186 [单选题]134 题, 本小题 1 分
(____)是一种电网中不带灭弧装置的用来实现将高压输配电装置中需要停电的部分与带电部分可靠隔离的电气设备。 A. 隔离开关 B. 高压熔断器 C. 高压断路器 D. 组合电器 [单选题]用10m弦量,连接曲线连续正矢差保养质量评定值不得超过( )mm。
A.2 B.5 C.4 D.3 [单选题]A380飞机乘务员座椅有多少个?
A.20 B.18 C.22 D.21 [单项选择]根据传输的信号不同系统总线分为()。
A. 地址总线 B. 数据总线 C. 控制总线 D. 以上三者 我来回答: 提交