Motorways are, no doubt the safest
roads in Britain. Mile (41) mile, vehicle for vehicle, you
are much (42) likely to be killed or seriously injured than
on an ordinary road. On (43) hand, if you do
have a serious accident on a motorway, fatalities are much more likely to
(44) than in a comparable accident (45)
on the roads. Motorways have no (46) bends,, no roundabouts or traffic lights and (47) speeds are much greater than on other roads. Though the 70 mph limit is (48) in force, it is often treated with the A. to B. from C. at D. for [判断题]正式确定“一个中心、两个基本点”为党的基本路线是在中共十三大上。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]预应力钢筋混凝土梁梁体不允许有斜向裂纹。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]19.诊断胎儿窘迫的胎儿头皮血pH应为
A.<720 B.720~724 C.725~729 D.730~734 E.735~739 [判断题] 多足拐杖支撑面积大,稳定性好,高度不可调节。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]沉孔底面或阶梯孔底面精度要求高时,编程时加()指令。
[单选题] 抽蓄发电又称抽水蓄能电站,是一种特殊的水力发电厂。应用在电网中的压缩空气储能属于( )。
A.能量型储能 B.功率型储能 C.能量型储能和功率型储能 D.以上都不是 [判断题]经互感器接入电能表的装拆、现场校验工作,应有防止电流互感器二次侧开路、电压互感器二次侧短路和防止相间短路、相对地短路、电弧灼伤的措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]依据《导游管理办法》,导游“经常执业地区”是指( )。
A.3 个月内累计执业达到 60 日的省级行政区域 B.6 个月内累计执业达到 90 日的省级行政区域 C.导游连续执业的市级行政区域 D.导游连续执业的省级行政区域 E.3 个月内累计执业达到 30 日的省级行政区域 [单项选择] Service production
Services are not purchased from a supplier and stored on a shelf until ordered by the customer. Instead, they are manufactured or produced after they axe requested by the customer. This in itself sets service retailing apart from goods retailing and places the retailer in the channel as the manufacturer as well as the retailer of the service being sold. The placement of the retailer as the product of the service carries with it all the problems associated with the manufacture of goods -- research and development, scheduling, raw materials acquisition, quality control and service consistency throughout various branch store operations. The improvement or upgrading of services must be done by the retailer. Constant monitoring of completion and decisions on improving aspects of the service, as well as research into the satisfaction customers are experiencing with their purchases, are part of service manag A. just sees to it that the service is accomplished. B. should also investigate customer satisfaction. C. meets more difficulties than the manufacturer of goods. D. can turn to experts to better his servic [简答题]锅炉满水的现象有哪些?
[单项选择]用二分查找法对具有n个结点的线性表查找一个结点所需的平均比较次数为( )
A. O(n2) B. O(nlog2 C. O( D. O(log2 [单项选择]国家加强生产安全事故应急能力建设,在建立应急救援基地和应急救援队伍时,应该选择()。
A. 所有行业、领域 B. 重点行业、领域 C. 经济发达地区 D. 经济欠发达地区 [单选题]底盘测功机应配备机械飞轮或惯量模拟装置,基准惯量不得低于()20kg
A.700kg B.800kg C.900kg D.1000kg [单项选择]We have ( ) a number of our customers in this area and ninny of them take an interest in your products.
A. contacted B. contacted with C. been contacted with D. in contact with [单选题]《安全生产法》的立法目的是:为了加强安全生产工作,防止和减少安全生产事故,保障人民群众生命和财产安全,( ) 。
A.促进经济发展 B.促进社会和谐发展 C.促进经济社会持续健康发展 D.促进人民幸福 [判断题]内燃机车需要上大顶作业时,可以在接触网区域内进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据现行《建筑安装工程费用项目组成》(建标[2013]44号),企业按规定为职工缴纳的基本养老保险属于( )。
A.规费 B.企业管理费 C.措施费 D.人工费 [多选题]《普修规》根据( )等情况,划分线路等级为5级。
A.线路允许速度 B.年通过总质量 C.在路网中的重要性 D.客货运输特点 [多选题]道德是通过( )来维系。 ( )
A. 社会舆论 B. 传统习俗 C. 生活习惯 D. 人们的内心信念 [判断题] 判断题 独立的市场主体是市场经济的基石,而政府是主要的市场主体。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列抗癫痫药物中具有明显非线性药代动力学特征的是
A.苯妥英钠 B.苯巴比妥 C.卡马西平 D.丙戊酸钠 E.拉莫三嗪 [单项选择]对于现场使用的塔式起重机及有特殊安全要求的设备,进入现场后在使用前,必须经( )鉴定,符合要求并办好相关手续后方可允许承包单位投入使用。
A. 监理单位 B. 当地建设行政主管部门 C. 承包单位 D. 当地劳动安全部门 [单选题]不是CDZ53举高消防车取力器挂上,平台连续倾斜故障原因的是( )。( )(难)
A.系统溢流阀设定压力太小 B.伺服比例阀卡住处在工作位置 C.手动调平电磁阀卡住处在工作位置 D.电路接错,使伺服阀处在工作位置 我来回答: 提交