and Social Responsibility{{/B}} Today more and more people believe that business should play an active role in improving society and solving social problems. For example, we expect that businesses will take care not to pollute the air we breathe or the water we drink. We also expect them to offer fair wages and employee benefits and to provide a satisfactory product or service at a reasonable price. Many companies recognize this and have stated publicly that they will act as a good citizen. They support local arts, build parks, raise funds for charities, and try to put back some of their profits into the community that A. how to do business. B. the business’ social responsibility. C. what customers and society want. D. cultural and social responsibility. [判断题]干粉灭火器是利用二氧化碳气体或氢气气体作动力,不可带电灭火。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]NB/T47013.3-2015标准规定,在用承压设备对接焊接接头超声检测时,对超标缺陷和判定为危害性的缺陷,应测试其:()
A. 回波幅度和指示长度 B. 埋藏深度和缺陷位置 C. 缺陷自身高度 D. 以上都是 [单选题]双电源的审批中规定凡属(____)kV及以上供电或其中一路属高压供电的用户,不论其容量大小,均应以供电部门签订《双电源管理协议》。
A. 10 B. 35 C. 110 D. 220 [判断题]固定股利支付率政策比较适用于盈利水平随着经济周期而波动较大的公司。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]车辆的方位是以车辆运行方向来决定的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]使用新柴油机时,最初()内负荷一般不超过柴油机最大能力的80%左右。
A. 60小时 B. 120小时 C. 180小时 D. 240小时 [单选题]法人机构应每年开展()次洗钱风险自评估工作,并做好风险评估前相关业务条线人员的评估培训工作。
A.二 B.三 C.一 D.四 [单项选择]批生产记录在填写过程中
A. 允许更改,经车间负责人批淮,废弃原错误记录,重新填写,责任人签字 B. 不允许更改,按作废处理,重新填写并签名 C. 允许更改,经车间负责人批准,注明“作废”,保留原错填记录,重新填写并签 D. 允许更改,在更改处签名,并使原数据仍可辨认 E. 允许更改,将原数据完全涂掉,重新填写清楚,并签名 [单选题]不属于机泵巡检测温的内容是( )
A.润滑油温 B.轴承温度 C.泵出口温度 D.电机温度 [判断题]生产经营单位使用被派遣劳动者的,可以与被派遣劳动者约定是否享有安全生产方面的权利、履行安全生产方面的义务。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]公差带 端是开口的 另 端由 ( )限定。
A. 偏差 B.基本偏差 C.标准公差 [填空题]
BP is one of Britain’s biggest companies and one of the
world’s largest oil and petrochemicals (石油化工产品) groups.
BP owes its origin to one man, William Knox D’Arey, who, shortly after the turn of the twentieth century, invested time, money and labour in the belief that worthwhile deposits of oil could be found in Persia. In the company’s first six decades, its prime focus lay in the Middle East. But from the late 1960s the centre of gravity shifted westwards, towards the USA and Britain itself. However, the BP of today is an international company, having operations in over 70 countries. Its key strengths are in oil and gas exploration and production the refining, marketing and supply of petroleum product (石油产品); and the manufacturing and marketing of chemicals. It supports all its businesses with high quality research and technology. The following pages chronicle (记录) the development of the company from its early days throu [单项选择]产妇,徐某,G1P0,孕38周,胎方位:臀先露,估计胎儿体重2500g,医生与产妇及家属谈话,同意试产。临产后6小时,宫口扩张3cm。以后9小时内,宫口扩张6cm,胎先露+1,胎心好,宫缩20秒/8分钟,宫缩节律性正常,对称性较弱。导致产妇徐某上述的宫缩性状,原因是()。
A. 头盆不称 B. 产妇紧张 C. 雌激素不足 D. 胎位异常 E. 孕激素较高 [单项选择]在西方美学史上,最早提出“美是理念”的是()
A. 柏拉图 B. 黑格尔 C. 普罗提诺 D. 康德 [单选题]绝缘导线的接地线应装设在验电接地环上。
A.正确 B.错误 C./ D./ E./ F./ [多项选择]下列选项不属于季市场检查计划制订的注意事项的有( )。
A. 市场稽查与内部监督管理相结合 B. 突出卷烟打假工作要求 C. 突出内部专卖管理监督工作 D. 根据市场监管员的作息习惯合理安排市场检查时间 [单选题]6.痔的发病年龄一般在
A.20岁左右 B.30岁左右 C.40岁左右 D.任何年龄段 E.50岁左右 [单项选择]国际海事组织海上安全委员会简称()。
A. MSC B. MEPC C. BCN D. IMO [单选题]《道岔综合维修验收评分标准》规定:枕上或枕下离缝大于()mm者为吊板。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [填空题]著名导演蒂亚吉拉雷伊的代表作有()(1958)和()(1960)。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交