A Polish proverb claims that fish, to
taste right, should swim three times--in water, in butter and in wine. The early
efforts of the basic scientists in the food industry were directed at improving
preparation, preservation, and distribution of safe and nutritious food. Our
memories of certain foodstuffs eaten during the World War Ⅱ suggest that,
although these might have been safe and nutritious, they certainly did not taste
right. Nor were they particularly appetizing in appearance or smell. This
neglect of the sensory appeal of foods is happily becoming a thing of the past.
Now, in the book Principles of Sensory Evaluation of Food, the authors hope that
it will be useful to food technologists in industry and also to others engaged
in research into problem of sensory evaluation of foods. An attempt has clearly
been made to colle A. The writer feels upset that there is no better system of classification than the familiar one of sweet, sour, bitter salty. B. Psychological perception of the taste is objective because no subject judgment is involved. C. It is extremely difficult to classify smell, as it’s hard to make objective judgment on the stimulus. D. The classification is subjective, for there is no relation between the perception and the stimulus. [简答题]说说20世纪语言学、心理学的重要进展。
A. 复用段保护 B. 复用段通道保护 C. 通道保护 D. 双节点互连保护 [填空题]由重介选产品带走的和磁选机尾矿损失的磁铁矿之和折合成每吨原料煤的损失量称为磁铁矿的()。
[多选题] 我国《环境影响评价法》规定对建设项目的环境影响评价实行分类管理,其具体规定包括( )
A. 可能造成重大环境影响的,应当编制环境影响报告书 B. 可能造成轻度环境影响的,应当编制环境影响报告表 C. 可能造成轻度环境影响的,应当编制环境影响报告书 D. 对环境影响很小、不需要进行环境影响评价的,应当填报环境影响登记表 E. 对环境影响很小、不需要进行环境影响评价的,应当向建设项目的主管部门进行申报登记 [单选题]顿汉布什冷水机组满负荷运行时冷却水进水温度不得低于()。
A.18℃ B.16℃ C.35℃ D.30℃ [填空题]保存、维护计量基准的计量机构应当()进行计量基准单位量值的复现。
A. 合法性 B. 公平性 C. 真实性 D. 准确性 [多项选择]发包人供应的材料设备进入施工现场后需要在使用前检验或者试验的,由( )。
A. 承包人负责检查试验 B. 发包人负责检查试验 C. 费用由发包人负责 D. 费用由承包人负责 E. 检验通过之后,如果又发现材料设备有质量问题时,发包人仍应承担重新采购 [单选题]AP没有衔接时,YAW DAMPPER指令由哪个计算机计算
A.FMGC B.FAC C.ELAC D.SEC [多选题]建筑材料的燃烧性能分为()。
A.不燃性 B.难燃性 C.可燃性 D.易燃性 我来回答: 提交