Digital photography is still new enough that most of us have yet to form an opinion about it, (1) develop a point of view. But this bash’ t stopped many film and computer fans from agreeing (2) the early conventional wisdom about digital cameras—they’ re nea (3) for you But they’re not suitable for everyday picture taking.
The fans are wrong: Moro than anything else, digital cameras are radically (4) what photography means and what it can be. The venerable medium of photography (5) we know it is beginning to seem out of (6) with the way we live. In our computer and camcorder (7) saving pictures as digital (8) and watching them on TV is no less practical—and in many ways more (9) than fumbling with rolls of film that must be sent off to be (10) .
Paper is also terribly (11) . Pictures that are incorrectly framed, (12) ,or lighted are nonetheless committ
A. in case
B. rather than
C. as well as
D. as though
甲厂是一国有企业,由于决策严重失误,不能清偿到期债务,被几家债权人诉至法院。由于扭亏无望,甲厂意识到破产的结局难以避免,在2002年年初的一次厂务会上作出决定:①考虑到与其有长期限业务合作关系的乙厂利益,提前偿还其未到期的债务;②对拖欠企业职工的两个月工资给予一次性补发;③将长期未给职工报销的医疗费给予全部报销,④为补发工资和报销医疗费非正常压价出售财产。2002年4月18日,甲厂被另一到期得不到清偿的债权人丙厂申请破产,人民法院经审查后,于4月24日决定受理该项破产申请,并同时指定的管理人。 请分析案例,回答下列问题。 |
One hundred and thirteen million Americans have at least one bank-issued credit card. They give their owners automatic (31) in stores, restaurants, and hotels, (32) home, across the country, and even abroad, and they make many banking services (33) as well. More and more of these credit cards can be read automatically, making (34) possible to withdraw or deposit money in scattered locations, whether or not the local branch (35) is open. For many of us the "cashless society" is not (36) the horizon--it’s already here.
While computers offer these conveniences to consumers, they have many advantages for (37) too. Electronic cash registers can do much more than (38) ring up sales. They can keep a wide range of records, including who sold what, when, and (39) whom. This information allows businessmen to keep track of their list of goods (40) showing which (41) are