Productivity is the yardstick by which socioeconomic revolutions are measured. Plows initiated the agrarian revolution by greatly improving the productivity of farmers. Engines, and (1) electricity, (2) the industrial revolutions by (3) improving the productivity of workers in manufacturing and transportation. If there is to be a true in formation revolution, then computers will have to (4) the pattern with information and information work.
Information technology has (5) begun to improve productivity, and it has even hurt it in some cases; it takes longer to wade (6) those endless automated phone answering menus (7) it does to talk to a human operator. (8) , productivity will rise (9) computers and communications are used in the Informa-tion Marketplace to relieve people of brain work (10) industrial machinery relieved us of physical work.
The Information Marketplace will give (11) to tw
A. desirable
B. universal
C. eternal
D. faultless
Questions 62 to 66 are based on the
following passage. For some time past it has been widely accepted that babies-and other creatures-learn to do things because certain acts lead to “rewards”; and there is no reason to doubt that this is true. But it used also to be widely believed that effective rewards, at least in the early stages, had to be directly related to such basic physiological (生理的)“drives” as thirst or hunger. In other words, a baby would learn if he got food or drink or some sort of physical comfort, not otherwise. It is now clear that this is not so. Babies will learn to behave in ways that produce results in the world with no reward except the successful outcome. Papousek began his studies by using milk in the normal way to“reward” the babies and so taught them to carry out som A. are directly related to pleasure B. will meet their physical needs C. will bring them a feeling of success D. will satisfy their curiosity [单项选择]下列哪项表述是错误的()
A. 颅裂纯属先天颅骨发育异常 B. 单纯颅裂一般需手术治疗 C. 裂孔处有组织外溢称囊性颅裂 D. 颅裂大多位于中线,以枕部最为多见 E. 眶内脑膜脑膨出应与眶内肿物鉴别 [简答题]
结合给定材料中反映的城市出行问题,请你就“政府在大力倡导绿色出行方式方面应进一步做好哪些方面工作”提出建议。 [判断题] 高处作业人员应正确使用安全带,安全带及后备防护设施应高挂低用。( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]项目b的内部报酬率是()
A. 15% B. 18% C. 20% D. 22% [单项选择]ZBJ74003—88中板厚大于20mm的灵敏度试块平底孔直径为()。
A. ∮5.6 B. ∮5 C. ∮2 D. 以上都不是 [判断题]企业应建立安全生产风险分级管控清单。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在岩心描述时,一般对化石的0进行描述.(出自SY/T5788.3-2014)
A.A、团块 B.B、生物痕迹 C.C、含有物 [判断题]基本RS触发器有0或1两种状态。当RD=0、SD=1时,无论触发器初态如何,触发器被置1。( )231000000
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《临时用电施工组织设计》需经本单位()批准后实施。
A.项目经理 B.安全总监 C.技术负责人 D.机电工程师 [单选题]对重点建设单位、新组建单位以及小散远直单位和问题较多的基层单位进行重点帮建,对连续()年以上未进先进基层单位实施精准帮建。
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 [单项选择]随着国家住房产业政策调整,一些企业迅速从高档豪华房地产项目开发转向经济适用型住房的开发,这属于( )。
A. 危机性变革 B. 反应性变革 C. 提前性变革 D. 应变式变革 [判断题]不同的灭火救援场所和对象应选用不同的灭火剂。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]沿电流流动的力向,在电阻上必然产生电压降,此压降与( )成正比。(易)
A.电压 B.电流 C.电压和电流 D.电流和电阻 [单选题]电磁阀属于( )
A.电动门 B.手动门 C.快速动作门 D.中速动作门 [单选题]SA组网中,UE做小区搜索的第一步是以下哪项?
A.帧同步,获取PCI组编号 B.获取小区信号质量 C.半帧同步,获取PCI组内ID D.获取小区其它信息 [单项选择]肺痛病人出现一侧眼睑下垂,瞳孔缩小,眼球内陷,额部与胸部少汗的原因是
A. 动眼神经受压 B. 交感神经受压 C. 喉返神经受压 D. 上腔静脉受阻 E. 肋间神经受压 [填空题]“龙破斩”是《魔剑美神》中()的得意技
A. http://www. mcp.comqueque.html B. http//www.m cp.comqueque.html C. http://www. D. http// [多选题]根据《民航安全检查工作手册》第130条,民航安检员在工作中,如发现( )的旅客,应通知公共航空运输企业处理。
A.精神病患者 B.健康情况可能危及自身 C.健康情况可能影响其他旅客安全 D.伤残旅客 [简答题]财政的职能有?
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