President Coolidge’s statement, "The
business of America is business," still points to an important truth today--
that business institutions have more prestige (威望) in American society than any
other kind of organization, including the government. Why do business
institutions possess this great prestige One reason is that Americans view business as being more firmly based on the ideal of competition than other institutions in society. Since competition is seen as the major source of progress and prosperity by most Americans, competitive business institutions are respected. Competition is not only good in itself, it is the means by which other basic American values such as individual freedom, equality of opportunity, and hard work are protected. Competition protects the freedom of the individual by ensuring that there is no monopol A. Honest businessmen B. Both businessmen and their customers C. People with ideals of equality and freedom D. Both business institutions and government [多项选择]作为饭店管理对象的人,大体可以分为三个层次,具体包括()。
A. 自然人 B. 法人 C. 社会人 D. 职业人 E. 经济人 [单项选择]根据党的十七报告要求,在我国建设覆盖()的公共卫生服务体系、医疗服务体系、医疗保障体系、药品供应保障体系。
A. 城市居民 B. 农村居民 C. 城乡居民 D. 外来民工 [单选题]备用模式在( )故障时使用。
A.LCU B.ATC C.TCMS D.蓄电池 [多选题]内部审计的主要特点有 ( )
A.内向性 B.及时性 C.宏观性 D.委托性 [单选题]小车变幅式塔式起重机,应设置()小车变幅断绳保护装置。
A.A.幅度增大方向 B.B.幅度减小方向 C.C.单向 D.D.双向 [单项选择]某公司三名销售人员2011年的销售业绩如下:甲的销售额是乙和丙销售额的1.5倍,甲和乙的销售额是丙的销售额的5倍,已知乙的销售额是56万元,问甲的销售额是()。
A. 140万元 B. 144万元 C. 98万元 D. 112万元 [简答题]分野中峰变。“分野”在句中是什么意思?
[单选题]运输收入进款存放地点(含各次旅客列车)要配备( )。
A.票据柜 B.保险柜 C.运输收入进款存放柜 D.物品存放柜 [判断题]三极晶体管的结构,目前常用的有平面型和合金型两类。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交