Packaging is a very important form of
advertising. A package can sometimes motivate people to buy products. For
example, a little child might ask for a breakfast food contained in a box with a
picture of a TV character. The child is more interested in the picture than in
breakfast food. Pictures for children to color or cut out, games printed on a
package, or a small gift inside a box also motivate many children to buy
products--or to ask their parents to buy for them. Some pac A. a buyer will not get what he pays for B. a buyer will get more than what he pays for C. a buyer will get something useful free of charge D. a buyer will get more but pay less [判断题]安全监督应对高危作业许可进行签字认可。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]In a world where it gets more and more difficult to move or surprise readers who are (1) or wearied by their (2) to images of violence, conflict and strife, writers have a more difficult task if they want to shake us (3) of complacency. Knopf is a publisher (4) for producing exciting first novels, but first-time authors are often obsessed (5) finding new ways of (6) under our increasingly thick skin. Sometimes, (7) , the most outrageousincidents in contemporary fiction read like gimmicks a game of "guess the shocking secret".
Anne-Marie MacDonald’s wonderful novel, Fall on Your Knees, not only avoids the (8) of first novels, it has created a voice which pierces the (9) of cynicism that surrounds us. Yes, it is often shocking with its insistence (10) stark images, but it is also a sensitive (11) of comedic, tragic and, surprisingly, romantic stories. What ultima [单选题]渔政船必须服从其____部门的调度指挥,认真执行下达的执法任务( )
A.渔业船舶检验 B.渔政监督管理 C.渔港监督管理 D.渔业行政主管 [单选题]终止室性心动过速的发作,首先应用的药物为
A. 利多卡因 B. 卡托普利 C. 硝苯地平 D. 呋塞米 E. 美托洛尔 [填空题]
Why I Became a Teacher: to Pass on My Love of Literature A) Like lots of people, I never thought I’d be a teacher when I was at school. To be honest I only did my training because my husband was on a four-year course and I was on a three-year course at Cardiff University so I wanted to do something for one year. I thought doing a teaching qualification would be interesting and might be quite useful! I’m convinced that nothing else I might have done would have given me so much pleasure and satisfaction, or fitted in so well with family life. B) When I retire, in just a few years time, I can look back on a career which made a positive difference to the lives of thousands of children. Few other career choices can be so rewarding, so if you have a love of your subject and want the opportunity to pass that on then teaching can be a great career, C) Anyone going into teaching now will be used to teaching to formal work schemes a [单选题] 在免费送回区间,站车均应告之旅客不得自行中途下车。如中途下车,对往返乘车的免费区间,按( )分别核收往返区间的票价,核收一次手续费。
A.往程所乘列车等级 B.旅客所乘较高列车等级 C.返程所乘列车等级 D.旅客所乘较低列车等级 [单项选择]处理食管腐蚀伤,错误的是()。
A. 立即应用适当的中和剂 B. 尽早行食管镜检查以确定受伤位置、程度 C. 早期应用足量抗生素预防感染 D. 早期应用适量的糖皮质激素,以减少食管狭窄发生率 E. 有喉阻塞者,应行气管切开术 [单选题]列车规范(动车组、空调、非空调)
A.三等以上车站 B.前方停车站 C.前方所在地有医疗条件的车站 D.前方站 [多选题]下列措施中,对提高气体间隙击穿电压影响较大的是(____)。
A.改善电极材料 B.采用绝缘屏障 C.改善电极形状 D.采用高真空 [简答题]电缆的基本结构如何?各部分各起什么作用?
[单选题]邓小平在《社会主义也可以搞市场经济》一文中首次提出:廉政建设要靠教育更要靠( )的重要思想。
A.德治 B.法制 C.监督 [判断题]统计行政复议的申请人,是指认为统计行政机关的行政行为侵犯其合法权益,依法向统计行政机关申请复议的统计行政管理相对人。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]木门框的中贯档与框子梃的结合,常用( )。
A. 单榫 B. 双榫 C. 双夹榫 D. 燕尾榫 [单项选择]宽带放大器的基极回路补偿,重点是对晶体管()进行补偿。
A. 变频增益下降 B. 低频增益下降 C. 输出电容 D. 分布电容 [判断题] 在训练过程中身上不得携带打火机、手机、钥匙、手表、笔、刀剪等坚硬物品。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《旅游区(点)质量等级的划分与评定》规定,对具有独立管理和服务机构的旅游区(点)进行等级评定,对园中园、景中景等内部旅游地,进行单独评定。( )
[单选题]常见麻花钻头的工作部分指的是( )。
A.切削部分 B.切削部分 C.切削部分和导向部分 [多项选择]对法律进行分类,可以从不同的标准、角度出发。一般来讲,根据不同的法律形式,可以把法划分为以下哪几类( )。
A. 国际法与国内法 B. 根本法与普通法 C. 一般法与特别法 D. 成文法与不成文法 [单项选择]某井矿盐场2012年5月外购液体盐2000吨用于固体盐的加工,支付含税款项105.3万元,取得增值税专用发票,当期自行开采液体盐5000吨,上述外购和自产的液体盐全部投入固体盐生产,当月该盐场销售固体盐3000吨,取得不含税销售额200万元,则当月应纳的资源税和增值税的合计数为()万元。
A. 16.49 B. 17.49 C. 18.7 D. 21.3 [单选题]AC004当玻璃温度计储液包温度发生变化时,毛细管中的液柱( )。
A.升高 B.降低 C.升高或降低 D.不变 [单项选择]人造石材平整度公差的允许值应不大于规定厚度的()%。
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 [判断题]公司财务人员因为作为用户只使用财务管控系统,不对财务管控系统进行系统维护,所以无需遵守《国家电网公司电力安全工作规程(信息部分)》。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]根据《环境影响评价技术导则地表水环境》(HJ2.3-2018),针对水污染影响型建设项目,水环境影响预测时期包括()
A.水质状况相对较差的不利时期 B.水体自净能力相对较不利的时期 C.评价范围内水生生物影响较不利的时期 D.水环境现状补充监测时期 [填空题]同步电机、感应电机类型分布式电源,无需专门设置孤岛保护。分布式电源切除时间应与线路保护、重合闸、备自投等配合,以避免()合闸。
[单选题]拧紧成组螺钉或螺母时,应从( )、分层次、逐步拧紧,以保证连接件及螺钉受力均匀。
A.左端开始向右端 B.右端开始向左端 C.中间开始向两边对称 [单项选择]《美国统一商法典》正式公布的时间和现在使用的文本的时间分别是()
A. 1906年、1952年 B. 1942年、1952年 C. 1952年、1989年 D. 1952年、1987年 [多选题]发现运行中高频阻波器内部有鸟窝或异物,(),()人员查明原因。
A.立即清除 B.填报缺陷 C.联系检修 D.联系运行人员 E.汇报调控值班员 [多选题]党的十九大报告中提出,培养造就“三农”工作队伍的标准是( )
A.有技术 B.懂农业 C.爱农村 D.爱农民 [判断题]保安员在出入口岗位执行勤务时,遇一来访人员称自己有出入证,但出入证丢在朋友那里了。此时,保安员可以放行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]能分清祛浊,为治膏淋、白浊及湿盛带下之要药是
A.泽泻 B.萹蓄 C.萆薢 D.瞿麦 E.石韦 我来回答: 提交