It is not the "someday I’ll win the
lottery" kind of daydream, but the kind that taps into the hidden part of your
brain. That is the kind that comes out only in the still of the{{U}} (67)
{{/U}}These are the dreams that can overtake you. They can cause you to
sweat at night. And even when they{{U}} (68) {{/U}}as consciousness
looms, they can{{U}} (69) {{/U}}a spell on your day. People have
speculated{{U}} (70) {{/U}}dreams for thousands of years since we
find{{U}} (71) {{/U}}humans drew pictures on the walls of caves.
Because dreams couldn’t be controlled, they were attributed{{U}} (72)
{{/U}}the gods. Shakespeare used dreams{{U}} (73) {{/U}}a dramatic
device. Remember the sleepwalking Lady Macbeth who rubbed her hands{{U}}
(74) {{/U}}in an effort to cleanse the blood from her hands. "Out!"
she cried, "damned spot!" However, it A. sleep B. analysis C. meanings D. dreams [填空题]气相色谱法测定大气固定污染源中苯胺类化合物时,采样吸附柱的制备方法是:取长约8cm、内经4mm玻璃管,洗净烘干,内装一定目数的硅胶225mg,内分两段,中间用()隔开,其中A段装()mg,B段装75mg。
A. X%×M、M-X%×M B. M-X%×M、X%×M C. X%×V、M-X%×V D. M-X%×V、X%×V [单项选择] お食事中の を、申し訳ございません。
A. こと B. うち C. とき D. ところ [多选题]可以对债务人实施以资抵债的情形包括( )。
A.债务人改制,银行不实施以资抵债信贷资产将遭受损失的 B.债务人故意“悬空”贷款逃避还贷责任.银行不实施以资抵债信贷资产将遭受损失的 C.债务人贷款到期,货币资金不足以偿还贷款本息,以事先抵押或质押给银行的财产抵偿贷款本息的 D.债务人因资不抵债宣告破产,经合法清算后,依照有权部门判决、裁定,以其合法资产抵偿银行贷款本息的 E.债务人挤占挪用信贷资金,银行不实施以资抵债信贷资产将遭受损失的 [单选题]限据《工伤保险条例》,下列关于工伤保险待遇的说法中,正确的是 ( )
A.职工治疗工伤必须在签订服务协议的医疗机构就医 B.工伤职工治疗非工伤引发的疾病,必要时可以享受工伤医疗待遇 C.职工被借调期间受到工伤事故伤害,由借调单位承担工伤保险责任 D. 工伤职工拒绝治疗.停止享受工伤保险待遇 [填空题]The way we see things is more complicated (复杂的) than we imagine. Our eyes give us information all the time. But our brains decide what is (11) to us. For example, if you (12) a crowded street, you will see many faces. But you will probably not really notice them. But if you see someone you know, you will (13) him immediately. From this example we can see that your brain chooses the visual information which is (14) to you, and rejects the information which it does not need. The way your brain explains that information depends on the knowledge you have about the world. And all this happens in (15) a second.
[单选题]行调接到列车事故的报告时,通知司机立即停车, 并上报( )。
A.调度主任 B.调度室主任 C.客运调度 D.系统调度 [单项选择]某企业对客户服务岗位进行工作分析时,请所有客服人员按时间顺序记录其在一个月内所从事的各项工作活动以及所耗费的时间等细节,该企业采用的工作分析方法是( )。
A. 观察法 B. 面谈法 C. 问卷法 D. 工作日志法 [单选题]是否可在2部CDU上同时显示ACARS菜单:
A.可以 B.不可以 [单项选择]企业对具体经营问题、管理问题、业务问题等进行的决策是( )。
A. 经营战略决策 B. 经营战术决策 C. 程序化决策 D. 非程序化决策 [单项选择]制冷管道和设备的隔热层厚度的确定原则是()
A. 根据隔热层的外表面不会引起结露的要求来确定其最小厚度 B. 根据隔热层的内表面不会引起结露的要求来确定其最小厚度 C. 根据热量损失最小原则来确定其最小厚度 D. 采用统一厚度 我来回答: 提交