Experienced baseball fielders can tell
how far a ball is going to travel just by listening to the crack of the bat. If
they didn’t, they wouldn’t stand a chance of catching it, claims a physicist in
New York. "When a baseball is hit straight at an outfielder, he cannot quickly judge the angle of the scent and the distance the ball will travel," says Robert Adair, a physicist at Yale University. If he relied purely upon visual information, the fielder would have to wait for about one-and-a-half seconds before he could tell accurately if the pitcher hit the ball long or short. By this time the ball may have travelled too far for him to reach it in time. To stand a fighting chance of catching it, according to Adair, fielders must listen to the sound the ball hitting the bat to judge how far it will travel. There is anecdotal A. Because it may take longer time for him to exert judgment. B. Because the ball may change directions during flight. C. Because the ball may be hit either long or short. D. Because light travels faster than sound. [单选题]轨道框架刚度是指轨道框架抵抗弯、( ),是保证轨道稳定的因素。【铁路职工岗位培训教材铁路线路工第五章第三节P188】
A.钢轨 B.轨枕 C.扭曲能力 D.移动 [判断题]由于母差保护装置中采用了复合电压闭锁功能,所以当发生TA断线时,保护装置将延时发TA断线信号,不需要闭锁母差保护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]有关颗粒剂的叙述,不正确的是()。
A.糖尿病患者可用无糖型 B.质量稳定、不易吸潮 C.服用运输均方便 D.起效快 E.能通过包衣制成缓释制剂 [简答题]试述布雷顿森林货币制度的主要内容。
A. 关小蒸汽阀门,关闭管线上导淋 B. 关小蒸汽阀门,打开管线上导淋 C. 开大蒸汽阀门,打开管线上导淋 D. 开大蒸汽阀门,关闭管线上导淋 [单项选择]关于宪法对自然资源的所有者的规定,下列理解正确的是( )。
A. 水流和森林只能是国家所有 B. 除非有特别的法律规定,否则城市郊区的土地属于国家所有 C. 不经征收或征用,农村土地不可能归属国家所有 D. 城市的土地不可能归集体所有 [多项选择]按财政支出的收益范围分类,财政支出可分为( )。
A. 一般利益支出 B. 整体利益支出 C. 局部利益支出 D. 特殊利益支出 [单项选择]肝叶切除适用于
A. 颈部不适伴有四肢乏力,行走、持物不稳,并出现病理征 B. 颈部疼痛伴右上肢放射性疼痛,右前臂及拇、示指麻木 C. 颈部不适伴有头晕、恶心、呕吐,并出现Horner综合征 D. 颈部疼痛伴有头痛、眩晕、视物障碍,偶出现猝倒 E. 颈部疼痛伴上肢放射痛、四肢出现乏力,双下肢行走时有踩棉花感 [单选题]( )是防爆安检最基本的方法。
A.仪器检查法 B.设备检查法 C.动物检查法 D.一般检查法 [单项选择]某项目,有甲、乙、丙、丁4个设计方案,通过专业人员测算和分析,4个方案功能得分和单方造价见表2-1。按照价值工程原理,应选择实施的方案是( )。 表2-1 4个方案功能得分和单方造价