Text 4
Britain’s bosses would have you believe that business in Britain is groaning under red tape and punitive tax levels, inhibiting enterprise and putting British firms at a disadvantage compared with overseas competitors.
As usual, reality paints a far different picture from the tawdry image scrawled by the CBI and Tory frontbenchers. Not only do British businesses pay lower levels of corporation tax than their counterparts abroad but they benefit from the most savage legal hamstringing of trade unionism.
But boardroom fat cats in Britain have one further advantage over their competitors, which is their total inability to feel any sense of shame.
The relatively poor performance since the 1990s of pension investment funds, overseen by the top companies themselves, has brought about a wide-ranging cull of occupational pension schemes. Final salary schemes have been axed in favour of money purchase or have been barred to new employees
A. Britain is a class-divided society where the powerful dominates
B. the government adopted an inappropriate way to tackle poverty
C. social inequality is the main feature of the industrialized world
D. British big businesses should shoulder the task of removing poverty
在下列不同结构的处理机上执行6x6的矩阵乘法C://A×B,计算所需要的最短时间。只计算乘法指令和加法指令的执行时间,不计算取操作数、数据传送和程序控制等指令的执行时间。加法部件和乘法部件的延迟时间都是3个时钟周期,另外,加法指令和乘法指令还要经过“取指令”和“指令译码”的时钟周期,每个时钟周期为20ns,C的初始值为“0”。各操作部件的输出端有直接数据通路连接到有关操作部件的输入端,在操作部件的输出端设置有足够容量的缓冲寄存器。如果处理机内只有一个通用操作部件,采用顺序方式执行指令,那么所需要的时间为 (5) 。如果单流水线标量处理机,有一条两个功能的静态流水线,流水线每个功能段的延迟时间均为一个时钟周期,加法操作和乘法操作各经过3个功能段,那么所需要的时间为 (6) 。