Experimenting with household objects
can often get young people in trouble, but for one intelligent, inquisitive boy,
it created the foundation of his future. Young Henry Ford discovered through his
curious mind that many objects were useful for much more than their intended
purposes. For example, he used to tinker with his father’s fanning tools to see
what they could do. He used his mother’s darning needles to help him repair
watches. And once, in an effort to study the power to steam, he sat and watched
water boil in his mother’s teapot. Little did Ford know that these experiments
would lead him to creating a means of transportation that would change the world
forever. Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863, near Detroit, Michigan. He was the oldest of six children and the grandson of immigrants from Ireland who came to America i A. move from one place to another B. stay in one place and not move C. move in two directions D. stay in more than one place [单选题]高盐水泵的额定输送流量是()。
A.80m³/h B.100m³/h C.180m³/h D.500m³/h [单选题]AM96 型转向架的轴重为 ( )。
A.≤15.5t B.≤16.5t C.≤16t D.≤15t [简答题]谈谈你对“德育就是道德教育”这句话的看法。
[简答题] 电梯故障发生时,为争取时间,救援行动可以不在电梯公司技术人员的指导下进行(1.0分)
正确 错误 [单选题]CRH380A(统型)动车组关闭头罩车下目视确认该端头罩关闭,无卡滞,耳听无异音,关闭完成后,头罩间隙不大于( )mm。
A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7 [判断题]所渭职业道德,就是同人们的职业活动紧密联系的符合职业特点所要求的道德准则,道德情操与道 德品质的总和。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列属于物理折旧的有()。
A. 因磨损产生折旧 B. 自然腐朽产生折旧 C. 因自然灾害发生的损伤 D. 因技术进步产生的折旧 E. 因弃用造成使用贬值 [多项选择]对下列哪些病变的检查,动态心电图优于普通心电图()
A. 心房肥大 B. 心室肥大 C. 心肌缺血 D. 心律失常 E. 心包炎 [判断题] 绝缘操作杆、验电器和测量杆使用时作业人员的手不得越过护环或手持部分的界限。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电焊机是将电能转换为( ) 进行焊接的机械。
A.光能 B.热能 C.机械能 D.光热 我来回答: 提交