{{B}}Returning to Science{{/B}} Teresa Garrett was working part-time as a biochemistry postdoc (博士后). She had an infant at home, and she was miserable. She and her husband were considering having a second child. She didn’t like leaving her daughter with a daycare provider, and she wondered if her slim income justified the expense of child-care. She decided to stay home full time. It was a lonely but practical decision, she says. She hadn’t ruled out the possibility but she did not expect to return to science: After all, the conventional wisdom would equate several years of parenting leave with the end of a research career. Garrett eventually had two daughters and spent their early years at home. The challenge of managing a science career and personal and family obligations is not a new issue, particularly fo A. her husband’s disease B. her toddler son C. her faraway family D. her discouraging jump-start [判断题]已对账签约客户变更对账要素的,仅需重新签订《银企对账要素表》。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《固定资产贷款管理暂行办法》 规定,采用借款人自主支付的,贷款人应要求借款人定期汇总报告贷款资金支付情况,并通过( )等方式核查贷款支付是否符合约定用途。
A.账户分析 B.凭证查验 C.现场调查 D.非现场报表 [单选题]《南昌局集团公司军运列车客运乘务管理办法》(南铁客〔2020〕97号)规定客运乘务负责人途中每()小时对军运列车载客车厢巡视1次。
A.单选题 B.1 C.2 D.3 E.4 [单选题]变电检测仪器校验周期中规定,开关柜超声波局放测试仪的校验周期是( )年。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]为保证光传输系统可靠地运行,通常要求倒换设备的可靠性一般比光传输系统高()数量级。
A. 10个 B. 5个 C. 2个 D. 1个 [多选题]法人客户经理对法人客户评级材料的哪些方面负责( )。
A.充分性 B.真实性 C.录入的准确性 D.审慎性 [单选题]女性,16 岁,低热、盗汗、咳嗽 1 个月。查体:消瘦,右颈部可触及数个绿豆大小淋巴结,稍硬、活动、无压痛,右肺呼吸音稍减弱,胸片见右上钙化灶, 右肺门淋巴结肿大。诊断首先考虑的是( )
A.原发型肺结核 B.继发型肺结核 C.颈部淋巴结炎 D.右肺癌淋巴转移 E.结节病 [单选题] 单机挂车不准挂装载()超限货物的车辆。
A.恶臭 B.散装 C.爆炸品 D.剧毒品 我来回答: 提交