Passage 3 Security is required on loans for several reasons. One of the most common is probably the borrower’s financial weakness. Such weakness may be indicated by several factors, including heavy obligations to creditors, poor management, and insufficient income. Borrowers in this financial condition can strengthen their credit by pledging certain assets. Having a secured loan may also be a psychological advantage for a bank. As long as the borrower has greater equity in the pledged assets than does the bank and the bank is in a preferred position and can foreclose in the event the loan agreement is broken, the borrower has a strong incentive to repay the obligation. The length of a loan also has a bearing on whether it will be secured. As the term of the loan lengthens, the risk of non-repayment increases. Loans for purchasing rea [单选题]工业))单项选择题关于工业云业务._____是本地网主要工作之一"
A.商机转化:组织客户交流、制定技术方案、实现签约并争取成为标杆 B.产品方案完善:编制企业工业云、区域工业云解决方案;打造全国标杆、持续完善案例库 C.优化支撑布局:提升快速支撑、响应能力.提升销售支撑人力储备、合作伙伴提升标准化配合流程及应急绿色通道 D.队伍建设:组建工业云专业售前支撑队伍.应具备工业云项目的商机挖掘、卖点推介、解决方案制作能力" [单选题]调剂工作中的第一个关键环节是
A.调配 B.计价 C.审方 D.复核 E.发药 [单选题]
脉冲编码调制PCM30/32传输每个()的信息的时间为39μs()。 A.比特 B.帧 C.时隙 D.数字 [判断题]车电器线路采用单线制,负极搭铁,标称电压DC24V。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]【技能鉴定2019 技师】74.一根部嵌固的拔梢单杆直线杆。当受边导线断线张力T作用时,主杆就是一个受弯距作用的构件( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]货车踏面擦伤及局部凹限深度辅修限度不大于()
A.1mm B.2mm C.3mm D.6mm [简答题]简述电喷系统中喷油器基本工作原理。
A. 尿道球部 B. 尿道膜部 C. 阴茎脚 D. 膜部括约肌 E. 以上都是 [单选题]高层民用建筑与其裙房之间设有防火墙或防火分隔设施并设有自动喷水灭火系统时,裙房的防火分区允许最大建筑面积可达( )。
A.1000 m2 B.2500 m2 C.4000 m2 D.5000 m2 [多选题]关于高压试验,以下选项正确的有( )。
A.因高压试验需要解开设备接头时,解开前应做好标记,重新连接后应检查 B.高压试验装置的电源开关,应使用明显断开的双极刀闸 C.为了防止误合刀闸,可在刀刃上加塑料罩 D.变更接线或试验结束时,应首先断开试验电源、放电,并将升压设备的高压部分放电、短路接地 我来回答: 提交