To what extent are the unemployed failing in their
duty to society to work, and how far has the State an obligation to ensure that
they have work to do It is by now increasingly recognized that workers may be thrown out of work by industrial forces beyond their control, and that the unemployed are in some sense paying the price of the economic progress of the rest of the community. But concern with unemployment and the unemployed varies sharply. The issues of duty and responsibility were reopened and revitalized by the unemployment scare of 1971-1972. Rising unemployment and increased sums paid out in benefits to the workless had reawakened controversies which had been inactive during most of the period of fuller employment since the war ended the Depression. It looked as though in future there would again be too little work to g A. make people think for the first time about the problem of the availability of work B. make concern for unemployment and the unemployed vary C. make the subject of unemployment controversial again D. show that there would in future be too little work to go round [判断题]接触悬挂非工作支与其他线索交叉处空气间隙小于200mm 时,在该处两者间装设1 组电连接线。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 故意阻碍()工作任务,未使用暴力、威胁方法,造成严重后果的,依照妨害公务罪的规定处罚。
A. 国家安全机关依法执行公安职务 B. 检察机关依法执行检察职务 C. 公安机关依法执行国家安全 D. 国家安全机关依法执行国家安全 [名词解释]局部性疵点
[填空题]维修的组织领导工作由设备管理单位负责。Ⅰ级维修负责人由 ___________ 担当(Ⅰ级维修较多时,车间主任可委托车间干部担当),Ⅱ级维修负责人由工(班)长担当。
A.压缩环与承磨环 B.压缩环与刮油环 C.刮油环与承磨环 D.压缩环、刮油环与承磨环 [单项选择]According to the passage, the writer thinks that______.
A. war is the only way to solve international disputes B. war will be, less dangerous because, of the improvement of weapons C. war must be abolished if man wants to survive D. it is impossible for people to live without war [单选题]允许速度Vmax≤120km/h时,道岔直向两端过渡枕均不得少于( );
A.15根 B.30根 C.50根 D.80根 [单选题]为推动高速公路绿色可持续发展,应贯彻绿色发展理念,降低公路建设运营的能源消耗与碳排放,加强生态保护、污染防治和资源节约,强化科技创新,完善标准规范,创新体制机制,加强监督管理,全面建成与( )相适应的绿色高速公路发展与运营体系。
A.绿色交通 B.交通强国 C.零排放交通 D.智能交通 [单项选择]教育费附加税额为营业税的( )。
A. 2% B. 3% C. 5% D. 6% [单选题]继发性肥胖又称为( )肥胖。
A.单纯性 B.体质性 C.获得性 D.病理性 [判断题]丁邀同事秦某到风景区漂流,在漂流筏转弯时,秦某的安全带突然松开致其摔落河中。丁未下河救人,秦某溺亡,丁构成不作为犯罪。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]根据《商业银行授权、授信管理暂行办法》,特别授信范围包括()
A. 单个营业部门和分支机构对单个客户的最高授信额度; B. 对单个客户分别以不同方式(贷款、贴现、担保、承兑等)授信的额度; C. 因地区、客户情况的变化需要增加的授信; D. 因国家货币信贷政策和市场的变化,超过基本授信所追加的授信; E. 特殊项目融资的临时授信。 [单选题]根据《网络安全法》的规定,( )负责统筹协调网络安全工作和相关监督管理工作。
A.中国电信 B.信息部 C.国家网信部门 D.中国联通 [多选题]下列选项中队列指挥方法正确的是( )。
A.行进间,动令除向左转走和齐、正步互换时落在右脚,其他均落在左脚。 B.队列指挥通常用口令 C.变换指挥位置,通常用跑步,进到预定的位置后,成立正姿势下达口令 D.纵队行进时,可以在行进间下达口令。 [简答题]轴流式压气机的叶片为什么需要扭转?
[单选题]横越停有机车、车辆的线路时,先确认机车、车辆暂不移动,然后在该机车、车辆( )通过。
A.较远处 B.较近处 C.适当位置处 D.安全位置处 [单项选择]关于制动导致皮肤水肿的机制,说法正确的是
A. 血清蛋白质减少,血清晶体渗透压降低 B. 血清蛋白质减少,血清胶体渗透压降低 C. 血清蛋白质增加,血清晶体渗透压升高 D. 血清蛋白质增加,血清胶体渗透压升高 E. 血清蛋白质减少,血清胶体渗透压升高 [单项选择]以下哪项不是种植义齿的上部结构
A. 基桩代型 B. 固定螺丝 C. 基托 D. 附着体 E. 金属支架 [多项选择]在职业实践中,如何做到公私分明( )
A. 要有大局意识 B. 要有法律意识 C. 要从细微处要求自己 D. 要完全考虑个人利益 我来回答: 提交