Many small cultural groups live in
places far away from modern cities. Some of these tribes have never had any
communication outside of their small geographical areas. When they do contact
the outside world, their lives usually change. Learning how to change without
losing the best of their own cultures is a problem for them. How can primitive
cultures learn to live in a technological world How can they do this without
becoming lost One native tribe in New Guinea has a difficult situation. The people of the tribe are being pulled in two ways. First of all, copper, a bright orange-colored metal, has been discovered under the land where they have lived for centuries. Developers want to take the copper out of the ground, to mine it. The tribe needs the money that a copper mine would bring. The problem i A. To teach people how to communicate with the outside world. B. To study the cultures of the modern world and some other societies. C. To help small and isolated tribes adapt to the modern world. D. To separate some societies from the modern world. [简答题]简述丘濬法律思想中关于司法的基本观点。
[单选题]下列不予以解除劳动合同的是( )。
A.工作严重失职、不负责任,给公司造成十万元以上、三十万元以下损失者。 B.利用工作职权和便利,偷窃、私分或故意侵占公司财物者。 C.因品行不端、素质低劣等原因不宜继续在公司工作者。 D.违反公司规定,对生产经营等重大问题做出错误决策者。 [多项选择]美国人洛某在中国读书期间,在某期刊发表了一篇中文论文。根据著作权法及相关规定,在指明了作者姓名和作品名称的前提下,下列哪些情况下使用该作品可以不经洛某许可,不向其支付报酬?()
A. 赵某在就同一问题发表的文章中适当引用了该论文的数段内容,并对洛某的观点进行评论 B. 教师李某在教学课件中为了说明某一问题,适当引用了该论文的数段内容 C. 王某为研究某课题,少量复制了该论文仅供课题组人员内部使用 D. 某出版社将该论文翻译成少数民族语言在中国出版 [多选题]CPC 卡通行异常情况包括:( )。
A.A.车牌不一致 B.B.车型不一致 C.C.无入口信息 D.D.入口时间超时 [单项选择]男,38岁,猛抬重物后感腰部剧痛,向右下肢放射,咳嗽加重,腰4~5间隙有压痛,诊断最可能是
A. 腰椎骨折 B. 腰椎滑脱 C. 腰椎间盘突出症 D. 急性腰肌劳损 E. 脊髓压迫症 [单选题]当发现有人触电,而开关又不在附近时,正确的做法是()。
A.用木棒等绝缘工具将导线迅速挑开 B.用木棒等绝缘工具将触电者使劲推开 C.找到电闸及时拉断电源 D.直接将带电设备砸坏切断电源 [单项选择]在实行目标管理的过程中,职工的工作目标是由( )确定的。
A. 上级 B. 职工自行 C. 上级与职工协商 D. 咨询机构 [单选题]新模式下I类客户是指信用评级在( )及以上客户:
A.BBB- B.BBB C.BB+ D.BBB+ [单选题]341.尺寸公差等级的选择原则是:在满足性能要求的前提下,孔与轴尽可能选用()的公差等级。
A.较大 B.较小 C.较高 D.较低 [单选题]9个人组成的投票团体,民主地决定各种议案,议案获得通过需要5票或5票以上。此时每个人的权力均等。一旦其中出现5个或5个以上的人结盟,那么其余的人实际上已被出局。若9个人形成4 个联盟,人数分别为3、3、2、1,每个联盟的权力不再相等。
由此推出结论( )。
A.人数分别为3、3、2的权力相等,人数为1的联盟的权力为0 B.若9个人形成3个联盟,这3个联盟的人数分别为4、3、2 C.若9个人形成3个联盟,各联盟所拥有的权力均等 D.人数分别为3、3、2的权力相等,人数为1的联盟的权力为1 [填空题]
Millions of kids and teenagers from every part of the world wet the bed every single night. It’s so common that there are probably other kids in your class who do it. Most kids don’t tell their friends, so it’s easy to feel kind of alone, like you might be the only one on the whole planet who wets the bed. {{U}} (46) {{/U}} The fancy name for bedwetting is nocturnal enuresis. Enuresis runs in families. This means that if you urinate, or pee, while you are asleep, there’s a good chance that a close relative also did it when he or she was a kid. {{U}} (47) {{/U}} The most important’ thing to remember is that no one wets the bed on purpose, It doesn’t mean that you’re lazy or a slob. {{U}} (48) {{/U}} For some reason, kids who wet the bed are not able to feel that their bladder 我来回答: 提交