Punishment depends as much on politics
as it does on crime: crime rates have been stable in recent years but there’ s
been a striking increase in the prison population, And because populism is
coming so much to (1) the political agendas, politicians are
advocating sharp increases in penalties to take (2) of
public unease. The question is how far this will get. In the 21st century weak
governments might try to win legitimacy by being especially (3)
on crime. That could mean high prison populations and draconian
(4) such as those adopted in the United States in recent
years. Luckily, there remain significant differences between the UK and the USA: social divisions are less extreme an A. however B. whenever C. whatever D. wherever [多项选择]下列对凸轮传动机构描述正确的是()
A. 压力角愈大,机构的受力愈有利 B. 基圆半径愈大,凸轮轴上的不平衡量减小,不易引起振动 C. 在载荷和运动规律决定后,压力角愈大,相应的凸轮基圆半径愈小,机构愈紧凑 D. 滚子半径过大,会使工作轮廓线的曲率半径变小,甚至变尖,严重的会出现运动失真 [单项选择]居民用户未在供电企业规定的电费交纳期限内交情电费时,应从逾期之日起每日按照电费总额的()交纳违约金。
A. 千分之一 B. 千分之二 C. 千分之三 D. 千分之五 [不定项选择]对组装好的散热器组应进行水压试验,试验压力为工作压力加()。
A. 0.1MPa B. 0.2MPa C. 0.4MPa D. 0.6MPa [判断题]电场中某点的电场强度即单位正电荷在该点所受到的电场力。()
[多选题] 以下哪些是制造工序可视化的常用工具?( )
A.生产管理板 B.节拍器 C.安灯 D.定位置停止线 [填空题]烧结工序能耗约占钢铁企业总能耗的()左右。
[判断题] 桥开关备自投方式,备自投放电条件:断路器位置异常、手跳/遥跳闭锁、两段母线电压均低于有压定值延时15s、闭锁备自投开入、备自投合上桥断路器等;
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交