The amount of sunlight reaching Earth’s
surface appears to be growing. The phenomenon, which some dub "global
brightening," (1) scientists with a puzzle. If the
(2) is real and global, how long will it last and what are the
consequences for climate change, the planet’s water cycle, and other
(3) that draw energy from sunlight (4) , the
answer might seem obvious: More sunlight reaching the ground in a warming world
means that temperatures will get warmer (5) . Not so
fast, some researchers say. Additional warming would be certain
(6) nothing else in the climate system changes. And the climate
system is (7) static. Some combinations of changes could
reinforce the A. much B. far C. ever D. still [单选题]线路允许速度为120(不含)~160km/h时,正线道岔(直向)与曲线超高顺坡终点之间的直线段长度不应小于( ) m。
A.20 B.30 C.40 D.50 E.60 F.70 [单选题]电动机的滑动轴承通常允许的最高温度是()℃。
A.60 B.75 C.80 D.85 [判断题]意志可以控制和调节人的情感( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在有限空间内进行作业时,气体检测仪电量不足报警,作业人员应立即离开有限空间。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]实际操作训练要求:1、正确选择个人高处作业防护用品;2、正确检查,佩戴个人防护用品;
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]金属电缆支架接地线焊接要求是什么?
出处: 《 配电网工程工艺质量》P98 [多选题]集中器下所有户表一直未抄到表可能是因为( )。
A.集中器与户表方案不一致 B.集中器档案未下发 C.集中器通信模块损坏 D.集中器载波模块损坏 [单选题]女,48岁,临床诊断为慢性肺源性心脏病、右心衰竭。因双下肢水肿自行服用氢氯噻嗪50mg,每日三次,地高辛0.125mg每日一次,一周后出现食欲减退,腹胀,心电图显示S-T段压低,U波明显增高,提示:
A.心衰加重 B.高血钾 C.低血钾 D.心肌缺血 E.洋地黄中毒 [多选题]接获急诊病人将要入院的通知后,应完成下列哪些护理工作
A.通知医师 B.准确急救器材及药物 C.安置病人 D.配合抢救 E.询问病史 [填空题]Windows 98多媒体组件中,支持用户在PC上看到或听到实况或录音广播的是 ______。
[单选题]患者女性,30岁,产后7d乳房出现局部红、肿、胀痛,确诊为乳腺炎,无法正常喂哺婴儿。护士讲解不能采用的回乳方式是( )
A.芒硝外敷于乳房 B.水煎生麦芽服用 C.服用大剂量孕激素 D.服用己烯雌酚 E.口服溴隐亭 [单项选择]Everywhere you look in contemporary America you see a people engaged in the pursuit of happiness. You can see it in work habits. Americans on average not only work longer and harder than most Europeans, but endure lengthy commutes to and from work. You can see it in geographical mobility. About 40 m of them move every year. They are remarkably willing to travel huge distances in pursuit of things like bowling conventions and so on. And you can see it in the country’s general hopefulness: two-thirds of Americans are optimistic about the future.
Since Americans are energetic even in deconstructing their own founding principles, there is no shortage of people who have taken exception to the happiness pursuit. They range from conservatives like Robert Bork, believing the phrase summarizes the "emptiness at the heart of American ideology", to liberals who think that it is a justification for an acquisitive society. One criticism is that the pursuit is self-defeating. The more you A. Opinion polls proved that happiness can be bought. B. Opinion polls suggest that most Americans are happy because of religion. C. Some Europeans dislike Americans because of Jefferson’s opinion. D. Americans’ pursuit of happiness has irritated a lot of people. [多选题]当火场受到严重破坏时,判断屋架的倒塌形式、倒塌方向和起火点可采用()等方法。
A. 根据"交叉形"倒塌痕迹判定倒塌方向 B. 根据屋架上下弦残体判定倒塌方向 C. 根据"斜面形"倒塌痕迹判定起火点 D. 根据屋架支座破坏痕迹和屋架下弦残体的长短判定起火点 E. 根据屋架中金属构件的位置和状态判定起火点 [判断题]成人旅客携带的免费儿童超过规定人数时,超过的人数应买全价票。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]1978 年 12 月召开的党的十一届三中全会,重新确立了解放思想、实事求是
的思想路线,停止使用“以( ) 为纲”的错误提法,确定把全党工作的着重点 转移到社会主义现代化建设上来,作出实行改革开放的历史性决策,实现了党的 历史上具有深远意义的伟大转折。 [判断题]螺旋包扎法适用于颈部、额部、四肢等粗细大致相等的部位。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )是指适用于需要进、出车站的生产厂家驻点人员、委外维保人员及合作单位等的有效凭证。
A.员工卡 B.外服卡 C.本站进出卡 D.临时卡 [单项选择]犯罪嫌疑人汪某,因非法持有毒品而被公安机关提请人民检察院批准逮捕。人民检察院在对公安机关提请批准逮捕书进行审查时,要求公安机关提交一些证据以证明某些对象。下列各项中,不属于证明对象内容的是______。
A. 汪某是否构成犯罪的事实 B. 汪某是否应判处徒刑以上的刑罚 C. 汪某是否有人身危险性 D. 汪某是否会吸毒 我来回答: 提交