Many features similar to those
aeronautical innovations developed by man can be observed amongst birds, insects
and plants. At times, observations of these natural phenomena have inspired man
to imitate nature and modify existing designs. At other times, the natural
example has only been recognized well after great amounts of time and valuable
materials have been devoted to refining a similar human invention. Birds deserve credit not merely for demonstrating flight was possible, but for providing templates for the shape of aircraft wings. The wings of birds suggested the pattern for leadingedge wing slots that improve ascent at slow speeds and for conical cambered wingtips that increase lift and stability. Other characteristics of bird wings, such as a tra A. houseflies are multi-eyed B. houseflies are more intelligent than is generally realized C. houseflies have sophisticated movement detectors D. houseflies can locate the sun whether in the day or at night [单选题]肾癌常发生于( )。
A.肾小盏 B.肾小管 C.肾大盏 D.肾小球 E.肾乳头 [判断题]按照《常用化学危险品贮存通则》的规定,同一区域贮存两种或两种以上不同级别的危险品时,应按最高等级危险物品的性能标志。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]磷酸盐包埋材料用下列哪种物质调和时产生的膨胀大
A. 水 B. 硅溶胶 C. 乙醇 D. 正硅酸乙酯 E. 单体 [单选题]周爷爷,63岁,不慎被开水烫伤左侧大腿,无水疱,皮温稍低,创面红白相间,评估他的烫伤面积和深度为( )
A.6.5%,浅Ⅱ度 B.10.5%,浅Ⅱ度 C.21%,Ⅰ度 D.6.5%,深Ⅱ度 E.10.5%,深Ⅱ度 [单项选择]子宫颈已脱出阴道口,宫体在阴道内
A. 子宫正常位置 B. 子宫脱垂Ⅱ度轻 C. 子宫脱垂Ⅲ度 D. 子宫脱垂Ⅰ度重 E. 子宫脱垂Ⅱ度重 [简答题]党组织应当按照规定收缴党员党费,不得垫交或扣缴党员党费,不得怎么样?
[单选题]根据《电力安全工作规程 风电场》( Q/GDW 10799.5—2017),电力电缆设备的( )要与电网系统图、电缆走向图和电缆资料的名称一致。
A.警示牌 B.标志牌 C.装置名称 D.布局图 [多选题]下列说法错误的是( )。
A.在一个蒸发器内进行的蒸发操作是单效蒸发 B.蒸发与蒸馏相同的是整个操作过程中溶质数不变 C.加热蒸汽的饱和温度一定高于同效中二次蒸汽的饱和温度 D.蒸发操作时,单位蒸汽消耗量随原料液温度的升高而减少 [多选题]配电设备的排列布置应在其前后或两侧留有( )的通道。
A.巡检 B.操作 C.逃生 D.运输 [单项选择]在测试过程中能以团体方式进行的测验是( )。
A. 操作测验 B. 投射测验 C. 韦氏智力量表 D. 大学入学考试测验 [单选题]CRH2C型进入司机室,确认司机室配电盘“保护接地”、“( )”、“机车电源”、“辅助制动”、“联解控制”开关在断开位。
A. 列车无线 B. 救援指令器 C. 救援转换装置 我来回答: 提交