One day in early March, Pauline and Tom
Nichter and their 11-year-old son Jason, were shopping for a toy in Buena Park.
Suddenly, Pauline saw a wallet lying on the floor. When she looked inside, she
found $200. The family, homeless and without work, knew that could change their
lives. But they took the wallet to the nearby police station and turned it in.
The wallet was found to have some other pockets, and more money in--over $2,000!
The police called the man who lost the wallet to pick it up. The man thanked the
Nichters and shook their hands, but did not reward (奖赏) them. Luckily for the
family, a TV news reporter filmed the story. People from all over the world
heard the story and sent them letters, money and even jobs. A
businessman even let them live [单选题]JJG169-2010《互感器校验仪检定规程》中:在额定工作电压(或电流)下,差流回路的压降不得超过(____)mV。
A.10 B.20 C.50 D.80 [多选题]安全保卫“四防一保”中的一保是指( )
A.保证员工人身安全 B.保卫单位资金安全 C.保卫单位财产安全 D保卫他人人身安全 [填空题]"Slugging It Out In Japan" by Warren Cromartie with Robert Whiting
Rodansha International Press, Tokyo and New York, Y 3,000 (US $ 22,50) This book is the story of how Warren Cromartie, a 29-year-old African-American major league baseball-player from Mia- mi, made good in Japan. It is also a tale of how this good-natured, plain-spoken player came to eventually understand and like the Japanese and their way of life, of which "Cro" learned the meaning of being a team player in Japan, "a group person." Someone once wrote that if white Americans wanted to understand the black experience in the US, they should try living in Japan," writes Cro, summing up the problem he faced, being non-Japanese first and foremost, and black second. He knew what he was writing (31) Cro is a child of Liberty City, the tough ghetto of Miami, He (32) up in a broken home, with a stepbrother who (33) time in jail for armed robbery. Following in the footsteps of his neig [单选题] 根据《国家电网战略目标深化研究报告》,国家电网有限公司战略目标是
可实现、可操作的目标,通俗讲是( )。 A.职工一致认同,积极响应实践 B.专家学者不觉得浅,基层职工不觉得深 C. 通俗易懂,耳熟能详 D.理论基础高,落地实践佳 [多选题]静止无功补偿设备包括哪些?
A.并联电容器 B.并联电抗器 C.静止无功补偿器 D.静止无功发生器 [单项选择]
The idea that some groups of people may be more intelligent than others is one of those hypotheses that dare not speak its name. But Gregory Cochran is (1) to say it anyway. He is that (2) bird, a scientist who works independently (3) any institution. He helped popularize the idea that some diseases not (4) thought to have a bacterial cause were actually infections, which aroused much controversy when it was first suggested. [单选题]现代因果连锁理论认为人的不安全行为和物不安全状态是导致事故发生的()。
A.直接原因 B.间接原因 C.主要原因 D.次要原因 [单选题]婴儿的骨缝要到 4~6 个月才能闭合,后囟在( )个月左右闭合,前囟到 1~1.5 岁闭合。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]下列命令中,是Java编译命令的是
A) javac B) java C) javadoc D) appletviewer [判断题]浙江省电子税务局支持社会保险费更正申报。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]两样本均数比较的r检验,差别有显著性时,P越小,说明
A.越有理由认为两总体均数的差别很大 B.越有理由认为两样本均数不同 C.两总体均数的差别不大 D.两总体均数的差别越大 E.越有理由认为两总体均数不同 [不定项选择题]《海南特区报》某期第15版上刊登的陕西某制药有限公司生产的心宁片药品广告,某广告批准文号:陕药广审(文)第2007070438号。该广告广告词宣称,8大医院权威验证,4个疗程根治心脏病:服用一个疗程,不适症状得到改善,服用二个疗程心绞痛发作次数减少,血压、血脂逐渐平稳下降,服用三个疗程后心肌心血、管得到前所未有的改善,服用四个疗程,症状全部消失,冠心病、心绞痛、心肌梗死等全面好转,并且杜绝二次复发。
A.在发布地省级药品监督管理部门备案 B.无需经过药品广告审查机关审查 C.由发布地省级药品监督管理部门审查 D.由发布地工商管理部门审查 [判断题]为触电者通畅气道主要采用仰头举颏法。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 法律。行政法规设定的行政许可,其适用范围没有地域限制的,申请人取得的行政许可在全国范围内有效。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]火场破拆的方法()。
A. 撬砸法、拉拽法 B. 切割法、冲撞法 C.顶撑法、爆破法 D. 机械拆除法 [单选题]电缆()应具有准确的地下电缆图纸资料。
A.施工部门 B.运行管理部门 C.抢修部门 D.管理部门领导 [多项选择]火灾探测报警器件主要有()五种基本类型
A. 感温火灾探测器 B. 感烟火灾探测器 C. 感光火灾探测器 D. 气体火灾探测器 E. 复合火灾探测器 [单项选择]企业依实际情况,对计量器具(含标准器)划分为()实施管理。
A. 交给部门经理进行解释 B. 调查相关情况,了解是否存在不公正现象 C. 将员工与其所讲的员工进行比较,指出员工的不足 D. 如果加薪行为符合规定,解释公司的加薪政策和不同情况的加薪标准 我来回答: 提交