Generation Gap{{/B}} A few years ago, it was fashionable to speak of a generation gap, a division between young people and their elders. Parents complained that children did not show them proper respect and obedience, while children complained that their parents did not understand them at all. What had gone wrong Why had the generation gap suddenly appeared Actually, the generation gap has been around for a long time. Many critics argue that it is built into the fabric of our society. One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own life-styles. In more traditional societies, when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their parents know and approve of, and ofte A. on all sides B. in every direction C. near D. in existence [单选题]心肺复苏操作中判断脉搏的时间是()
A.A.15~20s B.B.20~30s C.C.30~50s D.D.50S以上 E.略 F.略 G.略 [判断题]在电气化区段检修轨道电路时,当轨道绝缘变压器与扼流变压器连接的低压线圈断开之前,严禁切断其高压线圈回路。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在接触网距离钢轨顶面的高度6.2m以下的线路上,可以使用敞车类的人力制动机。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]()是审计归档阶段开始的标志,()是审计归档的结束标志。
A. 球形肿瘤 B. 脑内肿瘤 C. 交界性肿瘤 D. 恶性肿瘤 E. 脑外肿瘤 [判断题]某些血液病患者的ABo血型抗原可以减弱。
A. 给予恰当的药物 B. 给予恰当的剂量 C. 在恰当的时间给予 D. 由恰当的医师应用 E. 通过恰当的给药途径 [多选题]双周检有电作业检查受电弓功能(压缩空气需高于400kPa)( )。
A.按压=21-S01降弓按钮,观察=21-S01指示灯亮;HMI显示受电弓降下无故障 B.按压=21-S02升弓按钮,观察=21-S02指示灯亮;HMI显示受电弓升起无故障 C.检查网压(大约1500V),HMI应显示具体网压值 D.需合高断 [多选题]4.73.第73题
《电力调度自动化系统运行管理规程》确定的子站设备计划检修是指对其()等工作。 A.结构进行更改 B.故障处理 C.软硬件升级 D.大修 [单项选择]()“冲灵剑法”的名字是谁取的?
A. 令狐冲 B. 岳灵珊 C. 岳不群 D. 宁中则 我来回答: 提交