Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. Certain animals and plants develop characteristics(特性)that help them cope with their environment better than others of their kind. This natural biological process is called adaptation(适应性). Among the superior characteristics developed through adaptation are those that may help in getting food or shelter,in providing protection,and in producing and protecting the young. That results in the evolution of more and more organisms that are better fitted to their environments. Each living thing is adapted to its way of life in a general way,but each is adapted especially to its own distinct class. A plant,for example,depends upon its roots to fix itself firmly and to absorb water and inorganic chemicals. It depends upon its green leaves for usi A. the adaptations of organisms to their environments B. the reasons why organisms have their particular shapes and colors C. the special way of life of each living thing D. the hows and whys of the structures of organisms [单选题]设有分歧道岔的线路所,当列车经过分歧道岔侧向运动时,色灯信号机应显示两个黄色灯光;当分歧道岔为18号及以上道岔时,显示( )。
A.一个绿色灯光 B.一个黄色灯光 C.一个黄色闪光 D.一个黄色闪光和一个黄色灯光 [单选题]电磁流量计、涡轮流量计、旋涡流量计属于( )流量计。
A.压差式 B.容积式 C.速度式 D.质量式 [单选题]下列不符合施工平面布胃原则的是()。
A.必须考虑绿化用地 B.确保场内道路畅通,运输方便 C.现场布置紧凑,减少施工用地 D.临时设施布置,应便于工人生产和生活 [判断题]合成纤维吊装带应按出厂数据使用,无数据时参照同类吊装带进行使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《铁路常旅客服务办法》(铁总客〔2017〕306号)规定:积分自进入账户当日起连续( )个月有效,在有效期内可进行兑换,到期未兑换积分自动作废。
A.6 B.12 C.18 D.24 [单项选择]男性,48岁,吞咽困难1个月。30年前因"胃溃疡穿孔“做"胃大部切除术”。入院上消造影提示:食管中段主动脉弓水平长3cm充盈缺损伴管腔狭窄,黏膜破坏,胃呈术后改变(毕Ⅰ式)。辅助检查未发现远隔转移。应首选何器官作为代食管器官()
A. 残胃 B. 空肠 C. 十二指肠 D. 带血管蒂空肠段 E. 结肠 [判断题]行政复议和行政诉讼期间,具体行政行为一律不能停止执行。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )电感式传感器只能检测与铁磁性物体间的距离。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]交接班时,由交班警卫人员通报( )等值班情况。
A.人员车辆出入 B.查验证件 C.队容风纪检查 D.领导交办事项 [单项选择]学前儿童入园前的预防接种是由()负责的。
A. 托幼机构 B. 家长 C. 卫生防疫部门 D. 托幼机构和卫生防疫部门 [多选题]教育指战员热爱人民群众,遵守法律法规和民族宗教政策,严格执行群众纪律和交往规定。运用法律手段解决指战员涉法问题,维护( )、( )、( )的合法权益。
A.队伍 B.家属 C.亲友 D.指战员 我来回答: 提交