It is impossible to find out exactly
how many volunteers are at work today in the United States. Thirty-seven million
or so are known to belong to{{U}} (67) {{/U}}like the Pink Ladies,
Travelers’ Aid, or Big Brothers’, but those who work{{U}} (68) {{/U}}or
in small informal groups cannot be{{U}} (69) {{/U}}. The total number of
men and women who give their time to help others appears to be between fifty and
sixty-eight million. They do almost anything: they sew, clean,{{U}} (70) {{/U}}, paint, cook, repair things,{{U}} (71) {{/U}}books for the blind,{{U}} (72) {{/U}}sick children in hospitals, or{{U}} (73) {{/U}}senior citizens who do not want to go out alone. They give their blood; they work in libraries and schools; they (74) {{/U}}documents for new citizens with a language problem or{{U}} (75) {{/U}}money to support loc A. sought B. documented C. searched D. counted [单项选择]溃疡型肠结核主要消化道症状是
A. 呕吐 B. 便秘 C. 消瘦 D. 腹部肿块 E. 腹痛、腹泻、大便呈糊状 [单选题]引起缺铁性贫血的慢性失血,哪项不包括( ) (1分.)
A.消化道出血 B.钩虫病 C.慢性胃肠炎 D.痔出血 E.月经过多 [多选题] 第278题
电价按照容量区分为()。 A.单一制电价 B.两部制电价 C.变压器容量电价 D.需量电价 [多选题]如果你是分支行的手机银行业务专管员,那么你有以下哪些职责?( )
A.负责对接所属分支行员工遇到的手机银行问题 B.负责向总行电子银行部寻求帮助,并在电子银行部的指导下解决问题 C.负责传达总行电子银行部对于手机银行业务的规划 D.负责向所属分支行分管领导汇报手机银行业务开展情况 [单项选择]蒲黄的入药部位是
A. 未开放的头状花序 B. 完整的花 C. 雄蕊 D. 花柱 E. 花粉 [多选题]贯通道具有良好的( )。
A.隔声 B.隔热 C.防火 D.以上都不是 [单选题]使用中,应保证电动工具的()或接零良好。
A.接通 B.接触 C.接地 [多选题]优化司法职权配置,健全公安机关、检察机关、审判机关、司法行政机关各司其职,(),相互配合、相互制约的体制机制。
A.A侦查权 B.B检察权 C.C审判权 D.D执行权 [判断题]民警个人新媒体账号不得发布恶意报复社会和伤害未成年人案件、涉外案件。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]具有营养全身和化生血液作用的气是()
A. 元气 B. 宗气 C. 营气 D. 卫气 E. 脏腑之气 我来回答: 提交