"It is an evil influence on the youth
of our country. " A politician condemning video gaming Actually, a clergyman
denouncing rock and roll 50 years ago. But the sentiment could just as
easily have been voiced by Hillary Clinton in the past few weeks, as she blamed
video games for "a silent epidemic of media desensitisation" and "stealing the
innocence of our children". The gaming furore centers on "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas", a popular and notoriously violent cops and robbers game that turned out to contain hidden sex scenes that could be unlocked using a patch downloaded from the internet. The resulting outcry (mostly from Democratic politicians playing to the centre) caused the game’s rating in America to be changed from "mature", which means you have to be 17 to buy it, to "adults only", which means you have to be 18, bu A. the mishaps of vogues B. the misfortune of art masterpieces C. the prospect of video games D. the effects of various art forms [填空题]矿山企业必须具有()的设施,建立、健全(),采取有效措施改善职工劳动条件,加强矿山安全管理工作,保证安全生产。
A. 埃及复兴 B. 希腊复兴 C. 罗马复兴 D. 哥特复兴 [判断题]根据《铁路交通事故调查处理规则》,关闭折角塞门发出列车,至少构成一般D类事故。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男性,30岁,近半年总觉得有人跟踪他,常听见有人在议论如何对付他,继而出现闷闷不乐,整天闭门不出,写信给公安局要求保护。该病人诊断最可能是()
A. 反应性抑郁 B. 抑郁症 C. 躁狂症 D. 精神分裂症偏执型 E. 精神分裂症单纯型 [多项选择]当前中国社会存在的主要诚信问题有()。
A. 政务诚信不容乐观 B. 商业失信问题严重 C. 个人诚信缺失严重 D. 教育学术造假严重 [单选题]垫砟起道时,抬起高度不得超过( )mm。
A.20 B.30 C.40 D.50 [单项选择]流行性腮腺炎的好发年龄为( )
A. 3岁以上儿童 B. 12岁以后 C. 1岁~2岁 D. 1岁以内 E. 6个月以内 [单项选择]家庭与托幼机构合作中,不属于托幼机构组织的活动是()
A. 家长会 B. 家庭访问 C. 家长学校 D. 家长委员会 [单项选择]在老年高血压的防治中下列哪些论述是不正确的()
A. 高血压与性别无明显相关性 B. 烟叶中的尼古丁影响降压药的疗效 C. 高血压与遗传因素明显相关 D. 饮酒量与血压之间存在剂量-反应的关系 E. 盐的摄入量与高血压呈正相关 [判断题]当市场准入检查不合格时,可不继续进行产品质量现场检查而进行判定。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]属于世界自然文化双重遗产的是( )。
A. 泰山 B. 黄山 C. 武夷山 D. 张家界 [简答题]试述有机磷农药中毒时的诊断要点和治疗原则。
A. 真空箱试验法 B. 压缩空气试验法 C. 煤油试漏法 D. 化学试验法 [判断题] ( ) 两组道岔在对向位置成为对向道岔。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]塔式起重机安装作业中应统一指挥,明确指挥信号。当视线受阻、距离过远时,应采用对讲机和多级指挥。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]建筑节能物资进场时,应有()等出厂质量证明文件
A. 性能检测报告 B. 省建设行政主管部门核准证书 C. 出厂合格证 D. 耐侯性形式检验报告 E. 使用说明书 [单项选择]
{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}} Mesa Verde is the center of the prehistoric Anasazi culture. It is located in the high plateau lands near Four Corners, where Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona come together. This high ground is majestic but not forbidding. The climate is dry, but tiny streams trickle at the bottom of deeply cut canyons, where seeps and springs provided water for the Anasazi to irrigate their crops. Rich red soil provided fertile ground for their crops of corn, beans, squash, tobacco, and cotton. The Anasazi domesticated the wild turkey and hunted deer, rabbits, and mountain sheep. For a thousand years the Anasazi lived around Mesa Verde. Although the Anasazi are not related to the Navajos, no one knows what these Indians called themselves, and so they are commonly referred to by their Navajo name, Anasazi, which means "ancient ones" in the Navajo language. Around 550 A. D. , early Anasazi--then a nomadic people a A. To settlements on ledges of canyon walls. B. To pueblos in the south. C. Onto the tops of the mesas. D. Onto the floors of the canyons. [单选题]对下列诗词涉及的物理现象的描述错误的是( )。
A.坐地日行八万里,巡天遥看一千河——地球的公转 B.两岸青山相对出,孤帆一片日边来——运动的相对性 C.八月秋高风怒号,卷我屋上三重茅——空气振动发声 D.飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天——势能转化为动能 [多选题]在直流电机中,换向极线圈( )。
A.与主极线圈串联 B.与电枢绕组相串联 C.与主极线圈相并联 D.主要用于改变电机旋转方向 E.主要用于消除电刷下的有害火花。 [多项选择]Which three of these are major scaling, sizing, and performance considerations for an IP secdesign? ()
A. connection speed B. number of remote sites C. features to be supported D. types of devices at the remote site E. whether packets are encrypted using 3DES or AES F. number of routes in the routing table at the remote site [判断题]凌晨3时20分左右某市下起了大雨,某外地男子在该市某路等了 40分钟都 没拦下出租车。为了及时返回宾馆,该男子拨打120电话,谎称需用救护车送病人, 医院立即派出救护车。该男子的行为构成虚构事实扰乱公共秩序的违法行为。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]地理上隔开两大洲、沟通两大洋的海峡是( )
A.马六甲海峡 B.白令海峡 C.直布罗陀海峡 D.英吉利海峡 [简答题]阅读下列材料,回答问题。
[单选题]使用液压轨缝调整器串动钢轨时,12.5m 钢轨每次串动不超过( )。
A.1 根 B.2 根 C.3 根 D.4 根 我来回答: 提交