The earth is our home. We must take
care of it, for ourselves and for the next generation. This means preserving the
.quality of our environment. Consume, consume, consume! Our society is consumer oriented — dangerously so. To keep the wheels of industry turning, we manufacture consumer goods in endless quantities, and in the process, are rapidly exhausting our natural resources. But this is only half the problem. What do we do with manufactured products when they are worn out They must be disposed of, but how and where Unsightly junkyards full of rusting automobiles already surround every city in the nation. Americans throw away 80 billion bottles and cans each year, enough to build more than ten stacks to the moon. There isn’t room for much more waste, and yet the factories grind on. They cannot stop because everyone wants a job. Our standard of A. ( Exhaustion of natural resources B. ( Waste disposal C. ( Pollution from industry D. ( Money-oriented mentality [多选题]接入低压配电网的分布式电源,并网点应安装()、具备开断故障电流能力的开断设备。
A.易操作 B.可闭锁 C.具有明显开断指示 D.电网侧应能接地 E.略 F.略 [判断题]直流采样对A/D转换速率要求不高,因为变送器输出值是与交流电量的有效值或平均值相对应,变化已经很缓慢。
[单项选择]It is nearly 25 years since The Economist cooked up the Big Mac index. It was devised in September 1986 as a fun way to explain "purchasing-power parity", by comparing the prices of hamburgers in different countries. But burgernomics has since provided serious food for thought. Some economists think the Big Mac index has been surprisingly accurate in predicting long-run movements in exchange rates. It has also provided a few hot tips (and some half-baked ones) for investors.
When the euro was launched in 1999, almost everybody reckoned it would immediately rise against the dollar. But the Big Mac index suggested that the euro was already overvalued. Soros Fund Management, a prominent hedge fund, later said that it sniffed at the sell smell coming from the Big Mac index, but resisted the temptation to bite. It was cheesed off when the euro promptly fell. Today, our burger barometer suggests that the euro is again overvalued against the other main currencies, and it highlights the e A. It predicts the changes in Big Mac prices all over the world. B. It shows purchasing-power parity based on burgers’ prices. C. It provides investors with absolutely reliable information. D. It can help people to predict food prices. [判断题]待砍剪的树木下方和倒树范围内不得有人逗留。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列不属于储罐的燃烧方式的是( )。
A.火炬式燃烧 B.敞开式燃烧 C.塌陷式燃烧 D.封闭式燃烧 [多项选择]我国行政系统的内部监督是( )。
A. 一般监督 B. 特殊监督 C. 专门监督 D. 司法监督 [判断题]放疗后出现湿疹脱皮时,可在局部用药(如2%硼酸软膏)情况下,继续放疗。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]增大离心泵的流量,电流表的指示将会( )。
[多选题] 根据宪法和法律,下列表述正确的是( )。
A. 特别行政区立法会行使国家立法权 B. 自治区的人大及常委会行使地方立法权 C. 全国人大常委会行使国家立法权 D. 自治州的人大常委会行使民族立法权 [单选题]我国海军第一艘装备有防空导弹的军舰是____。
(出题单位:泰州广播电视台推荐单位:江苏学习平台) A. 鹰潭号 B. 铜陵号 C. 鞍山号 D. 宜昌号 [单选题]严禁在机车或车辆底下、端部、线路中心、钢轨上、枕木头、道床边坡、桥涵上、隧道内坐卧休息、乘凉、避风、避雪或避雨。除调车人员以外严禁扒乘运行中的机车、车辆,( )。在作业休息时,应到线路以外安全的地方休息。
A.随车出库 B.攀登车体 C.以车代步 [单选题]熟练掌握个人防护装备和通讯装备的使用,属于应急训练的( )
A.基础培训与训练 B.专业训练 C.战术训练 D.其他训练 [填空题]ZYJ7转辙机用于道岔表示冗余系统的密贴检查装置,当尖轨或心轨从密贴位斥离至 mm及以上间隙时,应断开道岔表示。
[多项选择]对于卢梭的“公意”概念,正确的理解是( )
A. 公意是国家全体成员的经常意志 B. 它体现了人民自由意志在国家政治中的最高地位 C. 公意构成主权 D. 公意是人民的整体意志 E. 公意是统治阶级通过强权强加于公众的统治阶级的意志 [单选题]胃癌首选的治疗方法是( )
A.中医中药治疗 B.放射治疗 C.化疗 D.手术治疗 E.免疫治疗 [判断题]“安全第一,预防为主,综合治理”的安全生产方针是不合理的。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]目前光子探头调制盘频率有两种,分别是()Hz。
A. 3200 B. 3215 C. 3250 D. 3255 E. 4000 [单项选择]流行性脑脊髓膜炎的病变性质为
A. 月经周期缩短,基础体温双相 B. 月经周期正常,但经期延长,基础体温双相 C. 月经周期不规则,经量增多,基础体温单相 D. 月经周期不规则,经量减少,呈点滴状 E. 月经规则,经量无改变 [多选题]《关于印发铁路旅客车站客运设备设施管理办法的通知》(铁客〔2019〕4号)规定,客运专用设备主要包括( )、客运管理、客服语音、行包、站台安全门、客运电梯、安检、标识、饮水、服务台、移动作业终端等设备设施。
A.客票 B.旅客服务 C.座椅 D.垃圾箱 [单选题]下列关于葡萄糖液的说法,不正确的是
A.可用于维持血浆渗透压 B.5%葡萄糖溶液为等渗液 C.10%葡萄糖溶液为高渗液 D.可视为无张力的液体 E.主要作用是补水与供能 [多选题]按照五级分类方式,不良个人住房贷款包括()类贷款。
A.正常 B.关注 C.次级 D.可疑 E.损失 我来回答: 提交