Animals can perform many useful and
entertaining jobs. People realize animals may not have the same intelligence as
human beings. They are clever enough to learn many things. For example, dogs are particularly valuable in guiding the blind, protecting property, finding lost people, and hunting animals. It is not very difficult to learn some easy commands. Such as "sit, lie down, stay here, come here, bring clothes" and so on. Training a dog to be a watchdog often produces unex A. to obey all orders given by human beings B. to do anything as children C. to guide his blind master to cross streets D. do anything they haven’t been trained [判断题] 影响过滤器过滤效果的因素主要有滤速.反洗和水流的均匀性。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
A. why B. how C. when D. where [多选题]以下关于工作票选用说法正确的是()。
A.存在人身风险的低压配电网不停电的工作,选用低压配电网工作票。 B.设备运维单位进行低压配电网停电的工作,不需办理工作票,但应以书面形式布置和做好记录。 C.外单位从事不需要高压设备停电或做安全措施的低压出线开关、主干线或多电源的分支线路停电的低压配电网工作,选用低压配电网工作票。 D.外单位从事低压配电网的穿刺带电工作,不需办理工作票,但应以书面形式布置和做好记录。 E.lue [单选题]下面关于吸入性麻醉药叙述错误的是
A.吸收速度受肺通气量、最小肺泡浓度、血气分布系数等因素影响 B.分布速度与脑/血分布系数成正比 C.主要经肾脏以原型要排泄 D.脂溶性越高越易通过肺泡血管进入血液 E.肺通气量大的药物较易排除 [多选题]正确把握人生价值实现的条件包括( )。
A. 从社会客观条件出发 B. 从社会主观条件出发 C. 从个体自身条件出发 D. 不断增强能力和本领 [判断题]( )( )眼镜的前倾角若大于15°,会造成眼镜的有效镜度改变。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]埋式光缆穿越沟、渠、塘、湖泊等障碍时,一般均应采取保护措施,主要根据这些沟、渠水流冲刷、塘内捕捞、挖掘等情况,对光缆可能产生损伤等,采取不同的保护方式,这些方式有( )等。
A.水泥盖板保护 B.管口应采取堵口措施 C.挡水墙保护 D.光缆沟堵塞 E.漫水坡保护 [填空题]
For a {{U}}wrong{{/U}} word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line. For a {{U}}missing{{/U}} word, mark the position of the missing word with a "∧" sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line. For an {{U}}unnecessary{{/U}} word, cross the unnecessary word with a slash "—" and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line. Wilt Chamberlain is retired now, but he used to be a famous
player. He has set 65 different records and even holds many of them. During (1) ______ the final years of his career, he drew a large pay and became very wealthy. (2) ______ He even built him a 1.5 million dollar house. In spite of his pers [单项选择]在劳动分工的基础上,把为完成某项工作而相互协作的有关工人组织在一起的劳动集体,称为()。
A. 流水组织 B. 生产车间 C. 生产工段 D. 作业组 [单项选择]年长儿缺氧宜选用
A. 冷空气疗法 B. 鼻导管吸氧 C. 面罩吸氧 D. 面罩加压吸氧 E. 用乙醇湿化吸氧 [多项选择]膀胱湿热型癃闭的主症是
A. 小便点滴不通 B. 小腹胀满 C. 口苦口黏 D. 呼吸急促 E. 苔黄腻、舌红、脉数 [名词解释]油膜
A. 头颅CT B. 血气分析 C. 新斯的明试验 D. 肌电图 E. 阿托品试验 [单项选择]What do American parents expect their children to acquire in school
A. Profound knowledge of the world. B. Practical abilities for future career. C. The habit of thinking independently. D. The confidence in intellectual pursuits. [单项选择]某日晚10时左右,下着小雨,张某驾驶汽车返回车库。同车的马某将车库门打开,张关灭汽车大灯,只开小灯驶进院内。在调头准备倒车时,汽车右前轮将睡在塑料布下的李某当场轧死。后查明,李是一过路借宿的废品捡拾人员,原安排他在车库的马车上睡,后来他自行搬到车库院中,并用大块塑料布蒙头盖脚睡在地上。在准备调头倒车时,张某和同车的马某,都没有发现睡在地上的李。下列说法正确的是:()
A. 张某的行为构成过失致人死亡罪 B. 张某的行为是意外事件 C. 张某和马某构成共同犯罪 D. 张某和马某都是过失 [单选题]查看网络连接是否接通是使用的命令是( )
A.ipconfig C.ranceroute D.nslookup 我来回答: 提交