For scientists who study human
evolution, fossil remains provide the only direct evidence of our ancient
ancestors. Access to these paleoanthropological Rosetta stones, how- ever, is
limited by protective curators who are often reluctant to lend the fragile
fossils. And in the case of fossil skulls, nature preserves critical information
in the largely in- accessible interior. But help is on the way. At the annual
meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists in Salt Lake
City this past April, researchers discussed how medical imaging, virtual reality
and computer-controlled modelling technologies get around these obstacles
noninvasively. Three-dimensional medical imaging based on computed tomography (CT) scans was developed in the early 1980s. On a computer, surgeons could electronically remove the patient’s soft A. It was Glenn Conroy and his colleagues who developed three-dimensional medical imaging based on CT. B. Conroy discovered the estimated brain volume of Mr. Pies was incorrect. C. Fossil has always been the only direct evidence of our ancient ancestors. D. Standard repertories of measurements made virtually have the same degree of accuracy with handheld calipers. [单选题]保证( ) 是工务部门的基本职责。
A.安全生产 B.安全培训 C.设备质量 D.线路质量 E.略 [判断题]Infox网关可同时作为互连网关和梦网网关。
[单选题]人的( )决定了人只有在推动社会进步的过程中,才能实现自我的发展。
A.自然属性 B.经济属性 C.社会性 D.阶级性 [填空题]()是本机组重要外部系统之一,它具有改善机组启动性能,减少汽轮机寿命损耗和快速跟踪负荷等功能。
[单项选择]某企业年初未分配利润为贷方余额4000元,当年净利润为70000元,按15%的比例提取盈余公积。假定不考虑其他因素,该企业未分配利润年末余额为( )元。
A. 59500 B. 70000 C. 63500 D. 4000 [判断题]基因是一段DNA序列。
[单选题]人民银行开通了( )金融消费权益保护咨询投诉电话,并在上海、天津、江苏等省市开展金融消费纠纷调解中心试点,直接调处金融消费投诉。
A.单位名义 B.村组名义 C.集体名义 D.个人名义 [判断题]在当代中国,坚持和发展中国特色社会主义,就是真正坚持和发展科学社会主义。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]不属于特种设备的是( )。
A.大型游乐设施 B.压力管道 C.电梯 D.客运车辆 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Professor Jerald Jellison of the University of Southern California has made a scientific study of lying. According to him,women are better liars than men,particularly when telling a"white lie", such as when a woman at a party tells another woman that she likes her dress when she really thinks it looks awful.However,this is only one side of the story. Other researchers say that men are more likely to tell more serious lies,such as making a promise which they have no intention of fulfilling. This is the kind of lie politicians and businessmen are supposed to be particularly skilled at the lie from which the liar hopes to profit or gain in some way. Research has also been done into the way people's behavior changes in a number of small,apparently unimportant ways when they lie.It has been found that if they are sitting down at the time, they tend to move about in their chairs more than usual.To the trained observer,they are saying,"I wish I were somewhere else now."They also tend to touch certain parts of the face more often,in particular the nose.One explanation of this may be that lying causes a slight increase in blood pressure.The tip of the nose is very sensitive to such changes and the increased pressure makes it itch. Another gesture which gives liars away is what the writer Desmond Morris in his book"Man-watching"calls"the mouth cover".He says there are several typical forms of this,such as covering part of the mouth with the fingers,touching the upper-lip or putting a finger of the hand at one side of the mouth.Such a gesture can be interpreted as all unconscious attempts on the part of the liar to stop himself or herself from lying. Of course,such gestures as rubbing the nose or covering the mouth,or squirming about in a chair cannot be taken as proof that the speaker is lying. They simply tend to occur more frequently in this situation.It is not one gesture alone that gives the liar away but a whole number of things,and in particular the context in which the lie is told. One reason people sometimes cover their mouths while lying is that__________. A.they wish those words had not come out of their mouths B.mouth is very sensitive to physical changes caused by lying C.they are trying unconsciously to stop themselves from telling lies D.they regret that their lies might hurt other people's feelings [判断题]生产经营单位应具备的安全生产条件所必需的资金投入,由其决策机构、主要负责人予以保证。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述执行器的选择条件和应用场合以及对它加强研究的重要性?
A. 系统性红斑狼疮 B. 白塞病 C. 显微镜下多血管炎 D. 原发性干燥综合征 E. 结节性多动脉炎 [单选题]70°探头扫查WGT-3试块上65㎜深Φ3横孔时,声束宽度N≥( )mm。
A.20 B.40 C.60 D.80 [单选题]与邻近带电设备距离小于表1(设备不停电时的安全距离)、大于表4(带电作业时人身与带电体间的安全距离)规定的工作应填用()。
A.带电作业工作票 B.第一种工作票 C.第二种工作票 D.事故紧急抢修单 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]以下哪项不是中国电信的客户品牌。()
A. 我的e家 B. 天翼 C. 号码百事通 D. 商务领航 [简答题]简述医疗卫生资源配置应遵循的原则。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]分列式程序,分为( )。
A.标兵就位 B.调整分列式队形 C.开始行进 D.接受领导检阅 [单项选择]某企业只生产一种产品。2007年1月1日期初在产品成本3.5万元;1月份发生如下费用:生产领用材料6万元,生产工人工资2万元,制造费用1万元,管理费用1.5万元,广告费0.8万元;月末在产品成本3万元。该企业4月份完工产品的生产成本为 ( )万元。
A. 8.3 B. 9.5 C. 9 D. 11.8 [单选题]某县
A. B.B两乡镇都没有开展该活动 C.A乡镇开展该活动,B乡镇没有开展该活动 D.A乡镇没有开展该活动,B乡镇开展该活动 [单选题] 列车接入站内尽头线时,自进入该线起速度不得超过( )km/h。
A.15 B.20 C.30 [名词解释]子镜片顶点高度
[单选题] PowerPoint 2010演示文稿的扩展名是___。
A..ppt B..pptx C..xslx D..docx [单项选择]以下疾病哪种属于Ⅱ型超敏反应()
A. 支气管哮喘 B. 血清病 C. 接触性皮炎 D. 新生儿溶血症 E. SLE [判断题]新地机刷黑色鬃毛刷清洗机器的时候用于清洁冷冻缸传动轴孔
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]所有继电保护在系统发生振荡时,保护范围内有故障,保护装置均应可靠动作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]超声波检测中可根据连续图谱、时域图谱、相位图谱、特征指数图谱判断测量信号是否具备50Hz/100Hz相关性。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]什么是网站?
[多选题]建设工程实施过程中投入的生产要素包括 ( )。
A.工程设备 B.设计图纸 C.目标控制措施 D.施工方法 [简答题]分析能动反映论的基本特征。
[多选题]下列关于初步可行性研究的说法,错误的是( )。
A.初步可行性研究报告是项目决策的依据 B.政府投资项目,允许初步可行性研究报告代替项目建议书 C.初步可行性研究的主要目的是论证项目建设的必要性和可行性 D.初步可行性研究的深度介于投资机会研究和可行性研究之间 E.项目建议书与初步可行性研究报告之间的差别,主要是对研究成果具体阐述的详略 [单项选择]急性糜烂性胃炎的发病原因,最重要的是
A. 胃黏膜缺血,胃酸分泌较多 B. 肾上腺皮质激素分泌增加 C. 前列腺素分泌减少 D. 黏液分泌不足 我来回答: 提交