The climate of Earth is changing.
Climatologists are confident that over the past century, the global average
surface temperature has increased by about half a degree Celsius. This warming
is thought to be at least partly the result of human activities, such as the
burning of fossil fuels and the clearing of forests for agriculture. As the
global population grows and national economies expand, the global average
temperature is expected to continue increasing by an additional 1.0~C to 3.5℃by
the year 2100. Climate change is one of the most important environmental issues facing humankind. Understanding the potential impacts of climate change for natural ecosystems is essential if we are going to manage our environment to minimize the negative consequences of climate change and maximize the opportunities that it may offer. Because natural ecosys A. Increases of daily maximum temperatures. B. Decreases of daily minimum temperatures. C. Increases of diurnal temperature range. D. Decreases in the diurnal temperature range. [单项选择]功专理脾肺气滞的药物是()
A. 香附 B. 木香 C. 陈皮 D. 乌药 E. 檀香 [单选题]1.47办理机动车业务时,可作为居民的身份证明的是________。
A.《临时居民身份证》 B.《居民身份证》补换领凭证 C.公安机关的户籍证明 D.《居民户口薄》 [单项选择]明确提出企业法律顾问工作“要全面实行企业法律意见书制度”的是( )。
A. 2004年5月,《国有企业法律顾问管理办法》 B. 2005年1月,《中央企业重大法律纠纷案件管理暂行办法》 C. 2004年4月,重点企业总法律顾问制度试点工作总结会议 D. 2008年5月,中央企业法制工作会议 [单选题]为变电站提供消防技术服务的维护保养检测机构应具有( )及以上资质,跨省、自治区、直辖市执业的消防设施维护保养检测机构需获得( )资质。
A.一级、一级 B.一级、二级 C.二级、三级 D.二级、一级 [单选题]“非铁路作业人员禁止进入”的警示标志,在区间由工务段、站内由车站设置,并由( )负责日常管理。
A.工务 B.公安 C.车站 D.设置单位 [单选题]在Windows "对话框"窗口中,选项前有"□"框的按钮是______。
A. 单选按钮 B. 确定按钮 C. 复选按钮 D. 滚动按钮 我来回答: 提交