The current political debate over
family values, personal responsibility, and welfare takes for granted the
entrenched American belief that dependence on government assistance is a recent
and destructive phenomenon. Conservatives tend to blame this dependence on
personal irresponsibility aggravated by a swollen welfare apparatus that saps
individual initiative. Liberties are more likely to blame it on personal
misfortune magnified by the harsh lot that falls to losers in our competitive
market economy. But both sides believe that the "winners" in America make it on
their own that dependence reflects some kind of individual or family failure,
and that the ideal family is the self-reliance unit of the traditional lore—a
family that takes care of its own, carves out a future for its children, and
never asks for handouts①. P A. at great expense B. from the railroad company C. with the help of governing authorities D. with slight aid from the official agency [单选题] 爱岗敬业的具体要求是( )。
A.看效益决定是否爱岗 B.转变择业观念 C. 提高职业技能 D.增强把握择业的机遇意识 [单选题]人类活动的一个基本特征就是它的( )。
A.直观性 B.目的性 C.活动性 D.实践性 [单项选择]地衣中的藻类和真菌的关系是
A. 互利关系 B. 偏利共生 C. 寄生 D. 竞争 [单项选择]女性患者50岁,发现乙肝肝硬化2年,近1个月来右上腹隐痛,腹涨,乏力,食欲不振。检查发现巩膜、皮肤黄染,肝大,质硬,腹水阳性。为早期诊断患者是否并发原发性肝癌,应做的检查是()
A. B超 B. 肝功能与AFP C. GGT D. ALP E. LDH 我来回答: 提交