患者,男性,55岁,患有胃溃疡10年,突然出现头晕,乏力,心慌,来院急诊,查血常规,发现血红蛋白 50g/L。 |
B 根据下面短文回答下列问题。 Three people were walking along a street, first was a big man then a woman, and then an old man. The first two passed. The old man suddenly saw a piece of paper on the street. He picked it up. It was a five-dollar note (纸币). A few seconds later, the woman came back, and she was crying. "I can’t find my five dollars," she said. "Don’t cry," said the old man, "Here it is." The woman thanked him and went away. After a few seconds, the big man came back. He was looking for something. At this time, a window of a house opened and a small man cried out (喊道), "I saw five dollars get out from your pocket, but that man gave it to a young woman." The big man was very angry. The old man had to give him another five dollars because he was afraid of the big man. When the old man left, the young woman returned (回来) to get h [单选题] 安装调试数控机床滚动导轨时,应根据滚动件的实际尺寸量出相应的( )。
A.精度 B.公差 C.尺寸 D.形状 [多选题]对于违规倾倒造成海洋环境污染损害的,主管部门应采取下列哪些措施?( )
A.责令其限期治理 B.赔偿受害方损失 C.处以警告或罚款 D.支付清除污染费 [判断题]HXD3型电力机车再生制动时,逆变器工作在整流状态,四象限整流器工作在逆变状态,并通过中间直流回路向主变压器牵引绕组馈电,将再生能量回馈至接触网。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]理想变压器和全耦合变压器有何相同之处?有何区别?
[单选题]下列哪个科目属于流动资产?( )
A.银行存款 B.短期借款 C.应付票据 D.预提费用 [判断题]同一变电站的操作票应事先连续编号,计算机生成的操作票应在正式出票前连续编号,操作票按编号顺序使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]由于保险在社会生活中的应用,减少了当事人有可能出现的各种纠纷,体现了保险是一种()。
A. 减震器 B. 稳定器 C. 润滑器 D. 协调器 [单项选择]The students didn't know ______ the post office, so they asked the policeman.
A. which to choose B. what to show C. how to get to [判断题]布放槽道电缆应顺直,不得扭绞和交叉。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患儿男,4岁。以“误服地西泮20片2 小时”入院,现患儿神志不清。对患儿立即进行的处理措施是()
A. 催吐 B. 洗胃 C. 导泻 D. 利尿 E. 血液净化 [多选题]严禁代替行车人员按压按钮、( )。
A.转换道岔 B.检查进路 C.办理闭塞 D.开放信号 [判断题]A320飞机的油箱盖和加油仪表盖都是加油员负责开关。
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