Passage One
Chinese Buddhist Music Catches Audience in HK
中华佛教音乐吸引香港听众 The Hong Kong Cultural Center in Victoria Bay was packed on Thursday night, and loud applause periodically echoed through the neon lit sky. It was not rock music nor was it pop—it was traditional Chinese Buddhist music that made an instant hit in the modern metropolis. Hong Kong is the fourth leg of the Buddhist music performance tour by a troupe consisting of more than 130 monks from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan. And this is also the first time monks from across the Taiwan Strait had jointly set up a troupe to perform, on global stages. Crowds of Hong King residents were lining up at the local port waiting to welcome members of the troupe who A. the good relationship between the monks and the support staff B. the strong traditional ties that ensured the harmonious work for the performance C. the long Chinese traditional culture D. the long history of Buddhism in China [单选题]属于获得性溶血性贫血的是
A.镰状细胞贫血 B.HbE C.自身免疫性溶血性贫血 D.珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血 E.HS [判断题]CRH5A型动车组每节车厢均装有一个风挡门,以便将通过台与风挡段隔开,门扇是由可以阻燃材料制成的,风挡有一个门扇。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某基站空调的制冷量为7000W,三相电,你估计它的工作电流为。
A. 4-6安培 B. 6-8安培 C. 8-10安培 [单选题]开展交通道路火灾扑救或应急救援时,救援车辆应跨路斜停(车尾靠近来车方向)在事故车辆( ),停靠位置应距离事故点不少于。
A.后方、50米 B.前方、50米 C.左侧、100米 D.右侧、100米 [判断题] 驾驶人将机动车交给驾驶证被暂扣的人驾驶的,交通警察给予口头警告。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]发生呼叫等待时,主叫用户有可能收到___响应消息。
A.180 B.181 C.182 D.183 [单项选择]安全检查的重点是( )。
A. 违章指挥和违章作业 B. 过去提出问题的整改情况 C. 检查企业的领导和职工对安全生产工作的认识 D. 检查工程的安全生产管理是否有效 [单项选择]工业区位理论的核心就是通过( )、劳力及集聚因素相互作用的分析和计算,找出工业产品的生产成本最低点,作为配置工业企业的理想区位。
A. 货物重量 B. 原料指数 C. 运输 D. 距离 [单项选择]Fengshui is the ancient Chinese study of the energy of a place, and the art of creating harmony and balance in both your living and working environment. The origins of fengshui, which literally means "wind and water", go back at least 4,000 years in Chinese history. Its foundation was and still is the understanding that the arrangement of our surroundings exerts a powerful influence upon the well-being of our lives.
Today it is rarely possible to have the perfect setting for a building because of existing planning coupled with the impact of less than ideal urban living. However, fengshui’s ancient philosophy is currently having a strong influence on design and decor (装饰,装潢) trends towards uncluttered surroundings and harmonious living. We have all experienced feeling an atmosphere -- good or bad -- as soon as we walk into a building. The fengshui of any place is a significant part of that feeling. When we relate comfortably to our environment we feel more balanced and p A. Balanced and positive feeling. B. Supportive natural forces. C. Living in harmony. D. How to harness positive outcomes. [多项选择]风机水泵的节电方法有()。
A. 启动时电源电压降应在允许范围内 B. 要考虑开关设备的寿命,当技术条件允许时,可装设真空开关开、停电动机 C. 采用电动控制进风的控制方式 D. 更换或改造低效设备 [单选题]打磨片的额定转速不得__打磨机的额定转速?
A.A) 大于 B.B)小于 C.C) 等于 D.D)没有严格限制 [多选题]交互式教学模式旨在教学生哪几种策略?()
A.总结 B.提问 C.析疑 D.预测 E.复习 [单项选择]患者,女,29岁。已婚2年一直未孕,既往月经周期26~28天,行经期4~6天。现停经45天,突然左下腹撕裂样剧痛,并伴头晕恶心,面色苍白。不应采取的措施是()
A. 妊娠试验 B. 腹部叩诊 C. 后穹隆穿刺 D. 立即转院 E. 妇科检查 [填空题]十九世纪中后期,西欧文学的主流是(),它标志着资产阶级文学达到了顶峰。
A. 半结构式 B. 图形符号 C. 装配图 D. 零件图 [简答题]畜牧场总平面规划的原则?
[多选题]起动发动机后,驾驶员应检视( )。
A.车速里程表 B.水温表 C.电流表 D.机油压力表 E.气压表 [单选题]列车重联时,由主节点重新组织 。
A.投入主控 B.网络初运行 C.控制权转移 D.列车进行换端操作 [单选题] 70 t级货车须装用( )铸造或锻造钩尾框。
A.13号 B.13A型 C.17型 D.15号 [填空题]装备在机车上的LKJ设备应按高于线路允许速度( )km/h紧急制动设置模式曲线。
[判断题]轮缘外侧磨耗使角点与轮缘顶点重合,在轮缘顶点形成的尖端即锋芒。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](第十八条)高层垂直供水或大面积灾害事故现场,应在地面适当位置设置( )分水器,便于泄压和转移供水阵地。(B)
A.一道 B.两道 C.三道 D.四道 [单选题]COP是指()处的压力。
* A.辐射段炉管出口 B.废热锅炉出口 C.急冷器出口 D.急冷器入口 [单选题]钢材的力学性能主要取决于钢材的( )。
A.化学成分 B.组织结构和化学成分 C.表面质量 D.强度极限 [判断题]交付是指根据出票人本人的意愿将其交给收款人的行为,不是出于出票人本人意愿的行为,如偷窃票据不能称作交付,因而也不能称作出票行为。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交