The molecules of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere affect the heat balance of the Earth by acting as a one-way screen. (1) these molecules allow radiation at visible wavelengths, where most of the energy of sunlight is concerned, to pass (2) , they absorb some of the longer-wave length, infrared emissions radiated from the Earth’s surface, radiation that would (3) be transmitted back into space. For the Earth to maintain a constant average temperature, such emissions from the planet must (4) incoming solar radiation. If there were no carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, heat would (5) from the Earth much more easily.
Today, (6) , the potential problem is too much carbon dioxide. Could the increase in carbon dioxide (7) a global rise in average temperature, and could such a rise have serious (8) for human society Mathematical models that allow us to calculate the rise in temperature as a function of t
A. competent
B. effective
C. efficient
D. sufficient
Changes in art and cultural history
have never been easy to assimilate to political or economic changes. But perhaps
we have enough evidence to show that particular sub-ideologies, combined with or
supported by a bureaucratic upsurge, have caused, or been associated with, what
appear to be downhill trends. Different generations naturally engender different
styles. No harm in that. Still, it can be argued that some fashions in the field
are less troublesome than others. In an analysis of this sort, one cannot exclude subjectivity. When a writer finds spokesmen of a new generation not susceptible to his or others’ earlier work, several notions may occur to him. First, that tastes change. To judge art and culture is indeed, in part, to make a more subjective assessmet of the aesthetics, which is of taste. And if one asserts that a A. politics and economics B. sub-ideologies C. the notion of it D. a bureaucratic upsurge [单选题]某企业自行建造厂房购入工程物资一批,增值税专用发票上注明的价款为100万元,增值税税额为13万元,发票已通过税务机关认证。不考虑其他因素,该企业购买工程物资相关会计处理结果表述正确的是( )。
A.借记“应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)”科目13万元 B.借记“原材料”科目100万元 C.借记“在建工程”科目100万元 D.借记“工程物资”科目113万元 [多选题] 在RAN3.0版本中,以下关于SCG添加流程功能的描述,正确的是哪些项( )
A. 对于目标的选择,支持基于测量的添加和盲添加 B. 触发场景包括事件触发和周期添加 C. 采用盲添加时,不支持周期添加流程 D. 无论是采用事件还是周期触发,都可以开启基于业务量检测的触发算法 [单选题]下列哪个故障将导致起落架安全活门被控制在关闭位,需重力放轮?
A.ADR1+2 B.ADR1+3 C.ADR2+3 [单项选择]可以不进行招标的工程项目不包括( )。
A. 属于利用扶贫资金实行以工代赈需要使用农民工的项目 B. 施工企业自建自用的工程,且该施工企业资质等级符合工程要求 C. 施工主要技术采用特定的专利或者专有技术的项目 D. 使用国际组织或者外国政府贷款、援助资金的项目 [多选题]下列关于骨筋膜室综合征的描述 正确的是 ( )
A.是骨筋膜室内肌肉和神经因急性缺血产生的早期症候群 B.早期患肢疼痛轻晚期疼痛剧烈 C.指(趾)呈屈曲状态 D.确诊后立即切开减压 E.术前应抬高患肢 [单项选择]链激酶引起的严重出血解救药是
A. 氨甲苯酸 B. 鱼精蛋白 C. 维生素K D. 抑肽酶 E. 维生素C [单项选择]电子商务是()的一个完整的商务活动。
A. 网上信息传递+网上交易+网上结算 B. 网上信息传递+网上结算+物流配送 C. 网上交易+网上结算+物流配送 D. 网上信息传递+网上交易+网上结算+物流配送 [单选题]线路上的伤损钢轨应用白铅油做好标记, ( )的标记是↑△△△。
A.连续重伤 B.局部重伤 C.连续轻伤 D.局部轻伤 [判断题]正线设15座牵引变电所
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]操作过电压是由电网内( )引起,特点是具有随机性,在最不利情况下过电压倍数较高。
A.甩负荷 B.空载长线路的电容效应 C.不对称短路 D.开关操作 [单项选择]以下属于人动力性基本活动能力是()。
A. 走 B. 支撑 C. 攀登 D. 爬行 [判断题]互感器容量小、既可用于电量变换,也可用于传输电能。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交