The nation’s supply of vaccine for the
impending flu{{U}} (19) {{/U}}took a big hit Thursday when Chiron Corp.
announced it had found tainted doses in its factory. The company said it will hold up shipment of about 50 million shots—about half the supply U.S. health{{U}} (20) {{/U}}had hoped to have on hand this year—while it{{U}} (21) {{/U}}what went wrong and determines whether the vaccine is safe to use. "There’s no product{{U}} (22) {{/U}}is going to go into the arms of the American public that will not have been{{U}} (23) {{/U}}to have met the highest standards of{{U}} (24) {{/U}}" chief executive Howard Pien said. Pie A. comment B. commentary C. remark D. criticism [填空题]电压为()以上的统称为输电网,其主要任务是()。
A. 某自来水厂销售自来水 B. 某天然气公司销售天然气 C. 某印刷厂托加工印刷图书报刊 D. 某商贸公司批发销售食用植物油 [单选题]固态微型强光防爆电筒由灯头、壳体和 ( )等部件组成。
A.灯尾 B.电池 C.手柄 D.安全带 [判断题]熔点较低的可燃固体,受热后熔融,然后与可燃液体一样蒸发成蒸气而燃烧的方式称为表面燃烧。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]因平行或邻近带电设备导致检修设备可能产生感应电压时,应加装接地线或使用个人保安线。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]接入220/380V电压等级的分布式电源,或10kV接入的分布式光伏发电、风电、海洋能发电项目,暂只需上传( ),条件具备时,预留上传并网点开关状态能力。
A.电流 B.电压 C.发电量信息 D.发电功率 [单选题]根据《信息安规》,以下属于二类业务系统的是( )。
A.营销业务系统 B.95598呼叫平台 C.安全生产管理系统 D.证券业务管理系统 [多项选择]与其他资源相比,人力资源的独特特征包括()
A. 生产过程的时代性 B. 开发活动的能动性 C. 使用过程的时效性 D. 创造价值的可用性 E. 维持过程的消耗性 [填空题]呋塞米的利尿作用部位是( ),抑制该部位的( )同向转运系统,既影响( )功能又影响( )功能而产生强大的利尿作用。
You have probably seen ads (广告) in newspaper or on television for mail-order companies. Perhaps a catalogue (商品目录) has been sent to you. Why do people buy things they have not seen in person Some people believe that things can be bought more cheaply by mail. Another good thing about buying by mail is that it is easier and more enjoyable to sit at home and work through a catalogue than to shop around the stores. With a catalogue from a large company, you have your own shop window for almost everything you want to buy. Buying from a catalogue is so easy. It saves the shopper time and trouble. Sometimes, it saves the shopper money, too. But people often buy more than they can really afford (付得起) or need, because many things look so good to them. They can probably pay a certain part of the full price - a down payment. Then they pay a certain amount of money every month until the goods is paid for in full. But by then they often find what they have boug [单项选择]病态窦房结综合征患者,经常发作快速心房颤动,平日心动过缓,宜采用下列哪项治疗方案
A. 发作时电复律 B. 服用胺碘酮 C. 用9受体阻滞剂 D. 安装永久人工起搏器 [单选题]男,8岁。肾病综合征初治,体重25kg,泼尼松每次25mg,每天2次,治疗2周后,水肿消失,4周时尿蛋白转阴。此时判断该患儿疗效为( )。
A.激素部分敏感 B.激素依赖 C.激素不耐受 D.激素敏感 E.激素耐药 [多选题]矿井通风阻力测定分为()法。
A.A分源测定法 B.B压差计法 C.C矿山统计法 D.D气压计 我来回答: 提交