Several recent studies have gained wide
attention for reconfirming the tragic disconnection of millions of black youths
from the American mainstream. Harry Holzer, an economist at Georgetown
University and a co-author of one of the recent studies, feels joblessness is
due to largely weak schooling, a lack of reading and math skills at a time when
such skills are increasingly required even for blue-collar jobs. Unable to find
jobs, he claims, black males turn to illegal activities, especially the drug
trade and chronic drug use, and often end up in prison. As usual, it fails to answer the important questions. Why are young black men doing so poorly in school that they lack basic literacy and math skills Scholars must have known that countless studies by educational experts have found that poor schools, per se(本质上), do not explain why after 10 years o A. They are totally involved in it. B. They like it as the black people do. C. They appreciate it selectively. D. They regard it as important as SAT. [多选题]对下列恐怖活动认定或处理不正确的是( )。
A..甲明知对方是恐怖活动组织,而提供资助,以组织、领导、参加恐怖组织罪的共犯论处 B.单位乙资助实施恐怖活动的个人,构成单位犯罪 C.丙明知他人委托其处理的资金是恐怖活动犯罪所得,仍提供资金账户,协助将该资金汇往境外,以组织、领导、参加恐怖组织罪的共犯论处 D.丁明知是恐怖活动犯罪所得,仍提供资金账户,帮助掩饰、隐瞒其来源和性质,以帮助恐怖组织罪论处 [判断题]安全带的挂钩或绳子应挂在结实牢固的构件上,或专为挂安全带用的钢丝绳上,并应采用低挂高用的方式。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]接头的联结形式按其相对于轨枕位置,可分为( )和( )两种。
[判断题]国家为了真正使职业教育权利公平,成为人民的、大众的教育,出台了一系列政策,促进人们享受公平的职业教育权利。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在PowerPoint中,对母版的修改将直接反映在()幻灯片上。
A. 每张 B. 当前 C. 当前幻灯片之后的所有 D. 当前幻灯片之前的所有 [单项选择]我国甲公司与英国公民乙在英国签订一份货物买卖合同,其中规定:“有关合同的履行、变更、解除和终止等发生争议,均适用中国法。”在此之后甲公司发现乙在英国为限制行为能力之人。依英国法无能力订立此合同,于是甲公司向中国法院起诉,主张适用中国法而判定该合同不成立。法院应该:
A. 适用当事人选择的法律即中国法判决 B. 适用英国法判定乙的民事行为能力,适用中国法判决合同的效力 C. 适用合同签订地法即英国法判决 D. 适用法院所在地法即中国法判决 我来回答: 提交