"The word ’protection’ is no longer
taboo (禁忌语)" This short sentence, uttered by French President Nicolas Sarkozy
late last month, may have launched a new era in economic history. Why For
decades, Western leaders have believed that lowering trade barriers and tariffs
was a natural good. Doing so, they reasoned, would lead to greater economic
efficiency and productivity, which in turn would improve human welfare.
Championing free trade thus became a moral, not just an economic,
cause. These leaders, of course, weren’t acting out of unselfishness. They knew their economies were the most competitive, so they’d profit most from liberalization. And developing countries feared that their economies would be swamped by superior Western productivity. Today, however, the tables have turned—though few acknowledge it. The West continues to preach free trade, but p A. improving economic efficiency B. ending the free-trade practice C. lowering moral standard D. raising trade tariffs [单选题]根据《民用航空安全检查工作手册》第 230 条,质量控制活动结束后,应当根据质量控制活动情况编制( )。
A.质量控制活动方案 B.质量控制活动分析报告 C.质量控制活动整改措施 D.质量控制活动评估方案 [简答题]反映企业竞争力的指标有哪些?
{{B}}Anti-Burslar Guns{{/B}} This gun practice should please both pro- and anti- gun control parties. A major, and legitimate, defense of gun ownership is to protect against burglars. The best anti-burglar gun is a double barrelled shotgun loaded with medium size shot, not a hand gun. A shotgun is much easier to aim accurately than a hand gun. It is more intimidating than a hand gun because of its size. It is less likely to actually kill the burglar so there is less inhibition about actually firing it. It is less likely to be stolen by a burglar during your absence because it cannot easily be hidden by him and for the same reason it is not useful to a street robber. A long gun is much less likely to be played with by children than a hand gun because of its size and weight. (To safety a hand gun by locking it up makes it slow to access if there is a real burglar, while a loaded shotgun can safely be kept by the head A. appease the anti-gun control side B. satisfy the pro-gun control side C. be accepted by both parties D. be accepted by .neither side [多选题]为加强电力监控系统作业现场安全管理,规范各类作业人员的行为,保证电力监控系统业务及数据安全,依据国家有关( ),结合( ),制定本规程。
A.法律、法规 B.电力监控系统作业实际 C.制度、标准 D.变电运维系统作业实际 [判断题]在云平台上,如果用户需要创建负载均衡SLB实例,为了能够真正的实现应用的负载分担,那么要保证至少要有2个ECS实例。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]年轻男性患者因车祸昏迷送来急诊.初步诊断为颅骨骨折、骨盆骨折.医嘱开放静脉通路,急行X线检查.护士护送患者时,不妥的做法是( )
A.选用平车运送 B.护士站在患者头侧 C.护送时注意保暖 D.检查时护士暂时离开照相室 E.运送期间暂时停止输液, [判断题]“三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮”用的借喻修辞手法。
A. 肺炎 B. 肺结核 C. 肺梗死 D. 支气管扩张 E. 肺脓肿 [单选题]背侧丘脑是躯体感觉冲动的总汇点,通过它中继后再传到中央后回,请问右侧背侧丘脑损伤会出现 ( )
A. 左侧半身的本体感觉冲动不能上传 B. 左侧半身的痛温触压感觉冲动不能上传 C. 右侧半身的本体感觉冲动不能上传 D. 左侧半身的本体感觉和痛温触压感觉冲动不能上传 E.右侧视觉冲动不能上传 [单项选择]游客遗体火化前,应由死者的亲属或代表或( )写出火化申请书。
A. 游客 B. 领队 C. 全陪 D. 地陪 [判断题] ( ) 三相负载作三角形联结时,测得三个相电流值相等,则三相负载为(对)称负载。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]影响心脏形成的关键时期是胚胎的
A. 前2周 B.前4周 C.前6周 D.前8周 E.前10周 [单项选择]细菌细胞壁的主要成分是
A. 脂蛋白 B. 磷壁酸 C. RNA D. 脂多糖 E. 肽聚糖 [单选题]一张电力通信工作票中,工作许可人与()不得互相兼任。
A.工作负责人 B.工作票签发人 C.小组负责人 D.工作班成员 [判断题]根据《国家处置劫机事件总体预案》,境内发生的重大劫机事件,应尽量避免在境外处置。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]零星购置形成的固定资产,由()部门核对无误,并补充相关实物信息,生成实物编码后将资产交付使用明细表和相关资料在规定时间内送交财务部门.
A. 采购部 B. 实物管理部 [单项选择]在正等轴测投影中,平行二直线的投影()。
A. 相交 B. 交叉 C. 平行 D. 任意位置 [多项选择]以下属于用人单位在职业病防治方面的职责的是()。
A. 创造符合国家职业病卫生标准和卫生要求的工作环境和条件 B. 对职业病患者进行完善的治疗 C. 建立、健全职业病防治责任制 D. 对职业病危害因素进行有效的监督 E. 必须依法参加工伤社会保险 [单项选择]用于内服、注射是处方药,而外用是非处方药的是
A. 对乙酰氨基酚 B. 布洛芬 C. 西咪替丁 D. 氢化可的松 E. 氢溴酸右美沙芬 [单项选择]过去的几年,我国“大事连连”。一方面,我们成功举办了奥运会,向世界展示了中国的风采;成功发射了“神州七号”载人飞船,实现太空行走;另一方面,也发生了雪灾、地震等重大灾害,损失惨重。在重大灾害面前,中华民族体现了空前的团结,“众志成城”,取得了一个又一个抗灾的胜利。中国人民自豪地说:“天灾不由人,抗灾不由天”。据此回答问题。“天灾不由人”说明()
A. 规律是客观的,是不以人的意志为转移的 B. 人在自然灾害面前是无能为力的 C. 是否发生天灾是由天决定的,天的意志决定一切 D. 任何违背天的意志的行为必将遭到失败 [多选题]以中医理论为基础,以下对肾的特性描述正确的是
A.肾为封藏之本 B.肾为先天之本 C.肾为五脏阴阳之本 D.肾为仓禀之官 我来回答: 提交