Animals have been kept as pets by people in all parts of the world for thousands of years. The most (26) pets are dogs, cats, birds and fish. But many people (27) unusual pets, (28) snakes, crocodiles and monkeys. Many Japanese children (29) mice and teach (30) to dance (31) music. The people of India (32) pets of snakes.
Pets can make interesting, playful (33) . People enjoy teaching them to do (34) and to (35) commands. Pets owners often (36) their pet to be a member of the family. Many children spend more time with their pets than they do with adults. (37) .caring for pets, children learn responsibility. They must (38) that their pets have food, ex excise, and a proper place to live in. Most children like (39) to and even telling secrets to their pets.
Pets also can (40) to a person’s general well-being. Research shows tha
A. think
B. sure
C. see
D. assure
SYSTEM TapeStore is a new kind of tape storage system which can store up to 6,000 computer tapes. No other tape storage system can hold as many computer tapes as TapeStore. The tapes look exactly like video cassettes. Many hundreds of data files can be stored on each tape, up to a maximum of 500 million bytes of data. If you stored the same amount of information on paper, you would need nearly 4.5 billion printed pages. The machine is a tall black box with a mechanical arm. The machine is 2.5 metres high and 3 metres wide. This is how it works. Each tape has a code printed on i A. recording information on the tape. B. identifying the printed code on the tape. C. looking for the file. [单项选择]混合痔手术的一般治疗方法是:()
A. 切除术 B. 结扎术 C. 注射术 D. 枯痔法 E. 外痔剥离内痔结扎术 [单选题]有的中学生“为老师的鼓励而努力学习”.“为家长的奖励而努力学习”.“为同学瞧得起自己而努力学习”等,这类学习动机属于( )。
A.直接的近景性动机 B.间接的近景性动机 C.直接的远景性动机 D.间接的远景性动机 E.志向性动机 [判断题]发动机在起动中起火时应当切断供油开关,使发动机继续转动,便于排除发动机内的火,如果这时火仍然没熄,就用干粉 CO2 灭火剂,从机尾喷口射入,螺旋桨发动机从前射入。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]管理信息系统的层次结构中,最高层是()。
A. 事务处理 B. 业务信息处理 C. 战术信息处理 D. 战略信息处理 [多选题]安全带使用前应检查( )等情况,禁止使用不合格的安全带。
A.A.是否在有效期内 B.B.是否变形 C.C.是否破裂 D.D.是否干燥 [多选题]下列情形应当认定为强奸罪的是( )。
A.李某(男,15周岁)多次与不满14周岁的乙.丙.丁发生性关系,并导致丁怀孕 B.甲见乙丈夫在外当兵长期不归,便利用是乙上级领导的关系.要求乙与自己发生性关系,否则就将其辞退,乙被迫多次与甲发生性关系 C.甲在公园中看到乙女(13周岁)打扮比较成熟妖艳,以为乙女是暗娼,便上前询问,得知乙女未满14周岁,出高价与其开房并发生性关系 D.甲男将自己邻居家4周岁小女孩骗回家中,对其性器官进行抠摸,并要该女为其口淫 [判断题]要求查询的机关需要银行查询的,必须符合法定的事由,银行方予协助。各查询主体据以提出查询要求的法定事由,并依照各自的法定事由确定相应的查询权限,必须在各自的权限内实施查询,否则银行不予受理。
[单选题] 电路包含电源、( )三个基本组成部分。
A. 开关和负载 B. 导线和中间环节 C. 负载和中间环节 [单项选择]雌二醇的前体是()
A. 雌酮 B. 葡萄糖醛酸盐 C. 雄烯二酮 D. 睾酮 E. 雌三醇 [多项选择]国税系统行政单位国有资产的管理体制是()。
A. 国家所有 B. 财政部监管 C. 国税系统分级管理 D. 单位占有、使用 [多选题]施工安全措施的基本内容应包括( )。
A.施工前的准备措施 B.施工中的单项作业措施、安全卡控措施及安全防护措施 C.施工后的检查试验措施 D.发生故障时的应急措施 [多选题]行政机关应当将法律、法规、规章的有关行政许可的( )和条件、数量以及需要提交的全部材料的目录和申请书示范文本等在办公场所公示。
A.事项 B.依据 C.条件 D.数量 [判断题]集中驱动形式的大车运行机构只适用于大跨度的桥式起重机上。
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